Cheeky Boom Cheeky Boom, don’t you just love it? Actually, I know the lyrics are chick-a-boom, but with this top from Boom and the hair and skin from Cheeky, the temptation to pun was irresistable
To rev up the cuteness factor I wore this indigo skirt from Hal*Hina and tights from the tortuously named !*G^G*! And yes, I did tint the lace underskirt. It took only a few minutes and totally made the outfit possible.
I love the tights but really must protest the store name. !*G^G*! I don’t know how to pronounce, the only way I can spell it is with copy and past and lets not even mention trying to search for it. I think there needs to be some store name rules such it must contain a vowel and diacritical marks cannot exceed actual letters. How do you get word of mouth for a store with a name you can neither spell nor pronounce?
This cheeky hair is tinted as the promotional copy sent was not red. The ribbons are tinted with a color change script. Both the hair and skin are from Cheeky Girl and yes, they do make you feel impudent. After all, look what I named this post.
****STYLE NOTES******
Promotional Copies are denoted by a Bold R
- Poses: Cheree Motion
- Skin: Cheeky girl Bubblegum Vivian R
- Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
- Lashes: CyberNetic
- Nails: J’s
- Hair: Cheeky Girl Millie R
- Top/Hoodie: Boom! Heart Hoodie R
- Skirt: Hal*Hina Indigo Denim Skirt (i tinted lace underskirt)
- tights: !*G^G*! Tartan
- Shoes: Redgrave Bikers Boots
- Jewelry: Honey Kitty Ribbonholic necklace
- Ear Candy Valentine Earrings (from the Kissed Hunt)