posted by Gidge Uriza
I was standing, decked out in this sleek outfit from Kunglers when I got the call to go hunt skins at Diversity. We might never be the same. I probably looked like a suck up, showing up in Aleri’s hair and Digit’s shoes but I swear it was exactly what I was wearing! Promise!
I wanted a glossy lip with this and knew that Hatchy’s Kimmy skins are all glossy as can be (in a good way) so I had to wear one of hers with this dressed up pantsuit. There is just something about it. Mafia princess out shopping for the day, that’s probably it.
And that just reminds me of a story! (oh yay!)
One of the releases of SL did something weird to my PC last year. Early summer 07 or so, if I walked out of earshot of you – and then CAMMED back over to you……I could then see your words again. It didn’t occur to me for some time that this was wrong, I was a little new with the camera. But then one night, a friend was having a “serious business meeting” with people that were referred to as SL Mafia and I was excused to go do my hair or whatever. When I was out of earshot, I cammed back over to listen. Because I AM NOSY!
So I stood there, listening, and realizing that some things that were being said were wrong, and I IM’d my friend.
Who nearly dropped dead that I was hearing them – and that I hadn’t been WRONG this whole time about my ability to HEAR when I used my camera view. No one had ever believed me until that moment. A few weeks later another version of SL came out and POOF my ability vanished.
But I’ll always remember the day I spied on the SL Mafia.
They were boring.
More Pics of this outfit? Fuggeddaboutit! Click Here!
All photography by Cajsa Lilliehook of MDR Photo Studio
Fashion Details
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – Kimmy Makeup 04 by Hatchy Mills avail at Don’t Ask (it’s like L$50…someone had asked the price so there you!
- Hair – Diversity Hair – Nika – Platinum Blonde
- Pantsuit – Kunglers Gabriella
- Shoes – Digit Darkes Black Gingham Mary Jane’s With Logo
- Shades – Tesla – Solaris in Silver