Cashmere – the must luxurious and sensuous of knits. It is the epitome of YUM and PixelDolls have been doing cashmere right.
But first, let me just say something about PixelDolls because they along with Digit Darkes and Nyte & Day have a special place in my heart. They were the first three stores I shopped at after Gidge rescued me the day I met her and showed me there was more to Second Life than freebie dungeons.
Yes, she rescued me. I was so dumb I walked under a ramp and got stuck and couldn’t figure out why I could not move and this sweet woman said, “I think you are trying to walk through a wall, dear.”
My first skirt was from Nyte & Day and it still can arm wrestle any skirt from anywhere. My first shoes were the Elphaba shoes from Digit Darkes and you know from this blog that I trot those wonders out every chance I get. PixelDolls, though. Oh my, my first spree, my first buying lindens, my first fat pack. So affordable, how can you say no? And the rich jewel tones, who can resist?
I try to stay away, but like the temptresses they are, they put their irresistible pictures on the fashion feed and I see those rich jewel colors and think emerald, ruby, OCEAN!! but they outdid themselves this time, when I saw those lovely cashmere dresses, I didn’t even wait until I got home from work. I signed on during lunch. How silly, they won’t run out.
I added the jacket from Cachet because it’s cold and I love how the squares in the weave of the dress are mimicked in the jacket’s matte/shiny weave.
Photography by Cajsa Lilliehook MDR Photo Studio
****STYLE NOTES******
- Skin: SLINK Isabelle Skin Makeup 14
- Eyes: IC-Eyes Soulful Hazel
- Lashes: CyberNetic
- Nails: Bijou
- Hair: The Good Life – Peaches
- Dress: PixelDolls Cozy
- Jacket: Cachet Roisin
- Boots: Maitreya Dune
- Jewelry: Persona
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hahaha, yes I did.
I think we take turns rescuing each other.
Don’t you know the ancient Chinese saying? Once you rescue someone’s Second Life, you are responsible for them from that time forward….