Tag Archives: Unicorn

Chaotic Grocery Trip

Ever have one of those days where even though you’re getting everything right it just seems like it’s all too much? That was me out grocery shopping today. I mean, of course I got the giant, ridiculous carrots I was looking for but still…what a crazy day.

How is your weekend going?

Gidge is Ready for the Week In:
Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Soft Winter Glitter Eyeshadow copper
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75%
Rings: (Yummy) Chaotic Energy Ring Collection [Lara]
Bag: .Unicorn. Vegetable Bag Holdable’ [1]
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
Shirt: =Zenith=Jeans long shirt with scarf(Light Blue) -Maitreya
Hair: Exile:: Shiloh
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 MARLIE bom skin COTTON CANDY browless
Boots: Fri.day
Bike: Junk Food

I’m Not Getting Dressed

I decided pretty quickly this morning that it was going to be a pajama day. I had no plans, no social or shopping engagements to fulfill and no reason NOT to just hang out and do nothing.

Well almost nothing.

It’s laundry day around here. So I’ll get a little something done despite refusing to get dressed like a proper fashion blogger. Oh well I don’t even care, this is a me day. Sometimes you need a ME day.

I am also the luckiest girl in the world that I’ve got some great leftovers for dinner, no needing to cook or run out to pick something up. Is it a perfect day? Maybe.

Gidge is getting ready for the week in:
Skin:[Glam Affair] Bibi [Lelutka EvoX] Ivory
Food: .Unicorn. Cute Dumplings // Pink and .Unicorn. Milk
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
Hair: A&A Aberdeen Hair Blonde Magenta – Hair Fair Gift
Pajamas: evani. Candy velvet shorts – muu – maitreya
evani. Candy velvet top – muu – maitreya
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes
Glasses: {minuit} Yumi Glasses [Resize]
Laundry Gear: Washer and Dryer, shelf, detergent and signs – Second Spaces, Pup in Laundry basket – Jian, Ladder – The Loft