I am not a dog person. This is pretty well known. I kind of DISLIKE dogs. Not the actual dogs. The idea of dogs. I’ve actually known some dogs in this world that I liked quite well. I even loved one or two. But no, in general, I am not into dogs.
My grandparents however, had a set of old lady friends, “The Beason Girls” they were called, and they were sisters in law whose husbands had died. They loved little dogs. They were the sort of ladies who always had on gloves and a hat, and their shoes and purse matched. They brought their little dogs with them wherever they went.
When I was young, I was always curious about their dogs, they seemed to go through a LOT of dogs. Later I learned, that this was due to vacationing in Florida, along a freshwater canal. If you ever lived in Florida, you know that sending little dogs outdoors in some areas is akin to chumming for alligators. Thus, the Beason Girls had a lot of new little dogs.
I would ask my grandfather what types of dog, their dogs where, and he’d invariably say “Oh some stupid little dog.” And when they were arriving he’d wonder, “I wonder what stupid little dog they got this time?”
So when I saw this be-sweatered stupid little dog at The Mens Department from BIRDY well, you know it had to be mine.
Because – I can only HOPE to ever be as glamorous as The Beason Girls.
Gidge Is Wearing:
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Sweater: .: Somnia :. Jailbird {Lavender/White} {S}
Dog: .Birdy. Boston Buddy – Cuddle – The mens dept
Boots: Baiastice_Lunar Ankle boot-vanilla-LEFT-
Hair: Clawtooth: Moonage Daydream – Snow – Collabor88
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands with Caroline’s Nail Apliers
Jeans: u.f.o & B.C.C – point damage vintage denim – dark – S COLLABOR88
ShapeGidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~