Tag Archives: schadenfreude

Cake by the Ocean


Gidge is a Snack In:
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75%
Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
Ring(Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1
Hair: A&A Mikhaila Hair Rainbow Colors V3 – HAIR FAIR GIFT
Nails: backSTORY – Juicy Summer Nails (Maitreya)
Swimsuit: KiB Designs – Katta Swinsuit 2A Maitreya
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1
Cake: Schadenfreude Cake Day Sugar Shock Shake (hold l)
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 MALLORIE bom skin PINEAPPLE browless

I Can’t Enough Octopus

I popped over to SaNaRae to grab some Octo-Goodies from Schadenfreude. These delicious treats did not disappoint.

Gidge is Cephalod Lovin In:
Bodysuit: (Nylon Outfitters) Lace BodySuit
Skin: Izzie’s – LeLutka Daphne Skin (Face) rosy
Hair: “”D!va”” Hair “Kate” (Fatpack)
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Earrings: +:SS:+: Kaleidoscope Earrings – Red (VINTAGE)
Shirt and Pants: – Isobel – Shirt
More Rings: Amala – The Athena Stacking Rings
Head: CATWA HEAD Freya
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0
Food: Schadenfreude Foodie Octopus Ice Cream RARE
Schadenfreude Foodie Octopus Yellow Udon

You Had Me at Free Pig

Free Gifts at SaNaRae do not disappoint

Well I wasn’t up to fighting the crowds for Black Friday craziness but I will tell you this, free pig from Schadenfreude at SaNaRae got me dressed.

In fact, I rolled around and picked up all of the gifts – there were some good ones! I did a wee bit of shopping too, but not toooo much, I’m a girl on a budget.

My other favorite gift are these adorable glasses – they have a snow ON or snow OFF option, and several texture choices. Very thoughtful, fun gift!

Lipgloss so shiny an intergalactic princess would envy

I’m still riding the BakesOnMesh train pretty hard. Today I’m wearing skin from TULI – that vintage skinner who doesn’t create any more. I kinda love being back in to my old skins – I’m so glad i never trashed most of them.

Have you tried BoM yet? It’s life changing.

Gidge is Freezing In: 

Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0

Skin: []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 1/si) dec VIP gift

Hair: [elikatira] Kara

Tank: Izzie’s – Layered Tank green (shirt)

Jeans: :::Sn@tch Easy Jeans (Blue):::

Lip Gloss: [Pink Fuel] Elsie Lipgloss <Biscuit> – Pink

[PXL] Beauty Mark POS10 Light DX

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink

Sweater: -Pixicat- Calm.Cardigan (Slink Hourglass)

Free Glasses Gift :: MS Design :: Frozen Glasses

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Long)

Shoes: Pure Poison – Shaleene Flats – Yellow – SLINK

FREE PIG: Schadenfreude Reindeer Piglet

Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0

Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Eyes (lights) purple

Entertaining In Style

I’m ready for guests. I’ve already had some visitors and they ate up all my treats so I had to get up early today to get ready for today’s guests!

Have you been over to The Arcade’s special Halloween round!?!? This special October issue is full of spooky fun for your Halloween in SL!  I for one am ready to embrace the darkness and all it’s glory for the next few days.

I probably won’t eat all of these cupcakes before guests arrive. Probably. I mean maybe one.

Or two.

Or one of each.

I’m not sure if I can control myself – I guess visitors will have to get here soon or they will be gone! I hope I find my self control soon.

I’m ready for guests! Are you coming over? You’re Invited!
<a href=”http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Juicy/20/27/25″ rel=”nofollow”>maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Juicy/20/27/25</a>

Skin: Pink Fuel
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.0
Hoodie: :: MOMOCHUU :: Candy Monster – Cat Hood Set – MT RARE THE ARCADE
Panties: :: MOMOCHUU :: Candy Monster – panties – MT – D THE ARCADE
Doll: :: MOMOCHUU :: Candy Monster – Sick doll – D THE ARCADE
Rings: Amala – The Athena Stacking Rings – Maitreya
Hair: eXxEsS : JUNO A (Breeze)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Earrings: Schadenfreude Broken Heart Acrylic Charm Earring
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Kitchen: Trompe Loeil – Finely Kitchen
Pumpkin and cocktails: What Next
Bat cupcake: EMPIRE – THE ARCADE
Plated Cupcakes: Atomic – THE ARCADE
Espresso Machine: Atomic – THE ARCADE

Note To Moth

I felt adventurous on Saturday and decided to do a bit of wandering about. I found a city RP sim that was a bit dystopian (found in search using FALL). It was a great place to shoot and no one was around for me to disturb their RP so -PERFECT. Continue reading

Feels Like Fall

I have to confess I’m an addict for fall. While the heat in the RL stays in the 90s my SL turns into a pumpkin colored wonderland at the first hint of autumn. The SALEM event kicked off and that has to mean it’s fall doesn’t it? I’m positive it means that. I’m sporting new lips and eye BLACK MAGIC makeup from ALASKA METRO that you can pick up at SALEM.

I’m doing a bit of urban shopping today in a sharp suit from Baiastice and my favorite HAT HAIR from Hair Fair this year. Every year I declare a BEST HAT HAIR at Hair Fair and honestly – THIS IS IT FOR ME. SO CUTE. Perfect for the breezy city streets while I look for the next bargain! Continue reading

I Might Have An Addiction

One of the things I love about The Arcade is it’s ever continuing magic when it comes to providing us with more things for the narrative of our individual SLs.

For me, that narrative is chocked full of…..pets.

My friend and fellow blogger visited the other day and said if it was a RL house it would smell, it was so full of pets. Alas it’s true. I’ve got this dog and that cat and the other thing, not to mention my Kittycats themselves. Give me your pets, your fishtanks, your sweet little loves to run around my house and make it less empty.

I’m not alone when they are here. I love them all. Continue reading

Sing My Camel Song

So I’m a sucker for the silly things that RC Cluster makes, I always have been they are never things you NEED but there I am buying them up anyway. Much like “MUST” isn’t a word for princes, I find that “NEED” isn’t a word for SL.

For Fifty Linden Friday, that old Dinosaur weekly of awesome, she’s got out ROMANCE NOVELS.

Because, we need those right?

The answer is obviously, fuck yes we need them. Duh.

But this is where the fun starts.  I pop over there and plop down my 50L because I’m a grown avatar and spend my money where I want.  I look at the titles. Passionate Stranger, okay that’s par for the course. I bet he’s a rough type, with a heart of gold. The first time will be rapey but that will be ok because later when she falls in love she’ll forgive him. Right? That’s how these go I think. I’m pretty sure that’s it.

The next title is Down on the Farmhand, and I think we all know what that’s about. This time she’s got hinged heels. My mom used to say that all the time when referring to women of ill repute. Finally one day I asked her what that mean, “hinged heels”. My mother looked over her reading glasses and said to me in a calm voice, “She goes down easy.”

I’m still recovering from that conversation.

The next title though, nearly killed me.

“SING MY CAMEL SONG” – I was howling. I nearly ripped my SLINK body in two howling hysterically. SING MY CAMEL SONG? WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? Why do camels have a song? WATRUDOING REDD????? I was so confused and suddenly I desperately wanted to read this book.


“Sing my CARNAL song”. OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well that makes more sense now doesn’t it?

I’m blonde. Let me alone. If I weren’t silly and wrong half the time I’d confuse the entire grid.

At least I’ve got my reading sorted for this evening!


CARNAL song. It’s CARNAL song.

Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Lips: Pink Fuel Sparkle & Shine
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink
Glasses: (Yummy) Lolita Glasses – Red
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.0
Shoes: Bleich – Mesh Dorothy – White [F Slink Flat]
Dress: Blueberry – Laura – Corset Dress – Physique
Sweater: Blueberry – Laura – Croped Sweater – Physique
Exile: Exile:: Anyway (BENTO)
Earrings: Schadenfreude Heart Acrylic Charm Earring
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Original V3.02
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit


Tick, Tock. Arcade O’Clock.

Tick, Tock, It's Soon Arcade O'Clock
The Arcade opens in just over three hours. December if my favorite month for The Arcade. The holidays seems to inspire such whimsy and grace. Also, since everything is No Copy for trading, it’s a great place to buy gifts. My outfit comes from Collabor88 items (except the fun candycane tights that were a Christmas gift from Alaska Metro last year. Sorry, I am an evil blogger, but not totally evil, they are on marketplace.
Tick, Tock, It's Soon Arcade O'Clock
Some beautiful Christmas decorations are part of Trompe Loeil’s fabulous Advent Set at The Arcde. Every year, Trompe Loeil’s Advent Calendar is one of the decor highlights of the season.
Continue reading

Halloween Steps Lightly Onto the Grid

It says a lot about a creator when they’re your Go TO for an item. With an inventory pushing 134k I’ve got a lot of “jeans”. Ok a lot of them are system jeans and I need to let that shit go. BUT, BLUEBERRY is always my “Damn I need jeans” go to. This is probably because she makes for all the bodies and I am always in Belleza when I need Maitreya or Maitreya when I need SLINK and not having to rearrange my entire ensemble for the day is a WIN.

I love you Blueberry. You stay cool. Continue reading