Tag Archives: Pretense

If I Could Change The World

I would be the sunlinght in your universe
You would think my love was really something good
Baby If I could change the world…

The power of angelic inspiration would probably hook me up with that ability, the influence others as I saw fit. I’m giving it a try in Second Life with my new angelic outfit from Blueberry that’s been released for EPIPHANY as a gacha.  Continue reading

The Rush to Escape

Wide open fields have always held an allure for me. As a child, barreling down the interstate I’d look out across vast fields, often with silos, windmills or copse of trees within them, and I’d have an intense desire to get out of the car and just RUN that way. See what’s in it. I’m the same now. I want to run across the expanse and be part of the scene.

Thanks to these big windmills at Collabor88 I decided I could do just that. Continue reading

Satin, Leather or Latex from Flowey

If you’re like me you’re still mulling about your Valentine’s options in terms of what to wear. I can’t ever decide and end up with more choices than I need.

Whenever I say need in terms of SL clothes I always think of that old saying “Must is not a word for princes.” In my mind it changes to “Need is not a word for fashion bloggers.” Regardless, this new dress from Flowey at Collabor88 should be on your must have list. Continue reading

The Right Girl and the Girl Who Waited

There is the Girl Who Waited who is Amelia Pond. She waited for his return, and when he did great adventures and wonder happened throughout her life. But she was spun along through her own adventures, like a rudderless boat sometimes. She wasn’t the captain, yet she was a willing participant in the chaos of adventure she was able to experience. (I won’t embrace the spoilers of the end of her adventures, as we know it’s against the rules – SPOILERS!)

But there’s another kind of girl and she’s the kind who won’t wait for anybody. Continue reading

Cute Things On Marketplace For You

If it’s true that girls only dress up for other girls, how much more so that fashion bloggers dress up for other fashion bloggers? And compliments FROM other fashion bloggers – aren’t they some of the highest praise you get?

I received a really cute dress that fits various SLINK Bodies (I’m wearing SLINK Hourglass today) with a note that I was receiving it because Kirsten Corelone loves my blog. I fangirled being fangirled and quickly slapped it on to take a look.

It’s perfect for my shopping adventures today and a great pick up if you’re looking for something to wear out this weekend. You can find it on MP in their store here. There’s some really cute stuff in this new to me shop.

Now, I’ve got to go check on my kitties and make sure Carson fed them while I was taking a couple of days to travel! (I’m sure he did, I’m he said he would….)Happy Thursday everyone!! <3

Gidge is Wearing:
Rings: (Yummy) Birthstone Ring – October – Opal (Blogger Copy)
(Yummy) True Fate Ring – Gold – Opal
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Skin: League – Milla
Eyes: Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye (London Fog, w4) L
Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye (London Fog, w4) R
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Mid Left V2.0
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Mid Right V2.0
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – L – Elegant
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – R – Elegant
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V1.1 (ADD ME)
Dress:[DD]Bodycon Wrap Dress-Slink Hourglass

Baby I’m Perfect…For You

I have a host of things in my inventory from a time in my SL that’s a big blank to me. So as I stand here looking fashiony, I’m going to mention some things and it’s neither a cry for attention nor an excuse. It’s just you see, back in the fall I missed a lot of things.

In the course of trying to keep a handle on my inventory I keep finding things that I can’t recall ever getting. I’m beginning to worry that lovely people who I blog for might think I don’t love them, or didn’t like their things. This is probably likely as I tend to blog daily but my madness is without reason usually when choosing what I blog. I’m telling my story of those days, and so if something got passed over, alas it often stays passed over.

I was trying to think, some time ago, how I had possibly missed an event. How is it I didn’t attend? It was a truly loved event, filled with creators I admire and not one I’m likely to miss. Upon further review I realized- it was the fall.

In the fall you see, both of my parents died.

They had been sick, and within two months I found myself an adult orphan and there was a time when even if I was logged in and blogging, I simply wasn’t here. I was here, but I wasn’t present.

I don’t recall this dress or if I ever blogged it. In fact, starting September 1 I went on autopilot in both lives. I stayed there for months. I did my best to stay plugged in, to focus and do the things that were required. I have blogged a ton. Some of it was sincere, some of it was me phoning it in and I’m sure you noticed that.

I vowed when the new year came that rather than make random goals and resolutions I was simply going to be. Being is a huge thing. Being takes commitment. Being involves being present and you must actual participate in your life for it to work. I vowed to own myself, and know my worth and stop making emotional investments that were bankrupting me. I am determined to make investments where there is a return, and in those – I will make them deeply and with my whole self.

So this is me saying thank you for coming along with Gidge these months as she tried to recover. Thank you Winter, who reached out of a years long silence, across a sea of potential enmity to comfort me when my days were the worst. Thank you constant friends who never left me and were always there, even when I just needed nothing but to not be alone.

I will never recover, I will never heal.

But I am here, and so are you. And that’s pretty damn awesome.

Gidge is Wearing:
Earrings: (Donna Flora) FRANCESCA earring
Necklace: (Donna Flora) FRANCESCA necklace diamonds
Rings: (Yummy) Birthstone Ring – October – Opal (Blogger Copy)
(Yummy) True Fate Ring – Gold – Opal
Shoes: YS&YS Rapallo Chic Pure (Maitreya)
Hair: .LeLutka.Aubrey hair.FIT.A
Skin: Glam Affair
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Dress: Fission: Gina dress-Silver (Maitreya)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.4
Eyes: poetic color eyes by LL – summer – lavender field (s)
Shadows: Fiat Lux Triple Projector <a href=”https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fiat-Lux-Triple-Projector/7802068″ rel=”nofollow”>marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fiat-Lux-Triple-Projector/78…</a>

The Girl Who Is Not Me

Sometimes it’s fun to be someone else. Today for instance I’m a different girl. People will sometimes blather on about mesh heads and how they don’t want to wear them because they don’t want to be someone else. Well, today I’m wearing a different one just in order to BE someone else. This is a different girl, a different Gidge. She has a different story. Continue reading


I’ve been wandering around in the woods for a few days lost and wondering what I wanted to do. Luckily I was dressed for a pastoral setting and only missing my sheep.

I bet a I have a sheep around here somewhere. Continue reading