The Designers United Vaudeville event has passed into SL Fashion history. It drew in lots of people with the excellent and exciting clothing, hair and other items. The entire concept behind Designers United is actually very clever and a great way to encourage imagination and innovation. I am eager to see what their inspiration is next. However, just because the official Vaudeville event is over, that does not mean that there’s not plenty of places and dresses and options out there in the rest of Second Life. It can be in the eye of the beholder. Take this new dress from Paper Couture. The triangle print fabric reminds me a lot of the harlequin prints – so I decided to shoot it with a harlequin background and do one more vaudevillean shoot before singing Bye Bye Mein Leiber Herr.
You have to understand the way I am, mein herr
A tiger is a tiger, not a lamb, mein herr
You’ll never turn the vinegar to jam, mein herr
So I do what I do
When I’m through, then I’m through.
And I’m through.
Bye bye mein lieber herr
Farewell mein lieber herr
It was a fine affair, but now it’s over
And though I used to care, I need the open air
You’re better off without me mein herr.