Tag Archives: Mandala

Fashion For Life Comes to an End

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Fashion For Life closes in  just three short hours from now and it is a bittersweet moment for me. I am relieved to have made it to the end without major disasters and dramas. Sure, there were glitches and hiccups and moments of anxiety – par for the course for any event involving more than 200 people.  As a species, we come with glitches attached. I am going to miss running the 10 sim circuit from sim to sim to sim to do the daily restarts. I was asked not to restart them all at once, so I figured a run from one end of a sim to the other, following the path, would take me about the right amount of time between each restart. I always did run astray at Perambulate though, tempted off the track by the skate park. Anyway, it has been a wonderful project, raising thousands of dollars for the critical work of the American Cancer Society as it leads global efforts to prevent, treat and cure cancer.

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One of the Champions – the large donors whose co-sponsorship of the sims allows all event proceeds to go to Relay For Life – was Mon Cheri of “falsies” fame. Her eyelashes are favorites of people across the grid and even Gidge who has a love-hate relationship with attached lashes likes them. She made several exclusives for Fashion For Life including this adorable summer dress Sachi – which she released in several color combinations.

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spectrums, palettes, rainbows and murder


With all the colors in the universe, you would think we would have more than three collective nouns for colors. But rainbow, spectrum and palette are what we have. Kind of a dull set of collective nouns considering the collective noun for crows is murder.  Savoir Faire released a murder of crows for Pose Fair that ended last weekend. The poses are on sale at the store now and are still murderously good fun.

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On May 9th, FASHIONART will open up to the public and I think you will enjoy the creative exploration of fashion meeting art. Is fashion art? Nina Garcia said it is not. I think she’s wrong. I think after you go to FASHIONART, you will probably think she is wrong, too. Let’s wait and see.

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Careful How You Sit


So I am always a bit conflicted about studded clothing. Mainly because I have never worn studded clothing in my life, so I wonder how comfortable it is. Take this dress. I love the way the studs add visual interest, the flat planes of the skirt interrupted by the rows of studs – adding what feels like another dimension to the dress. But then I wonder, what does that feel like to sit on? Is it evenly spread enough so that it’s sort of like the bed of nails phenomenon, or do those little studs poke and prod? Maybe if you sit for just a minute it’s comfortable, but if you sit for a long time it is excruciating? Yeah, I actually spend time wondering what it would feel like for my pixel posterior to sit in my pixel dress with its pixel studs. But hey, it’s a great dress, isn’t it?

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Autumn is My Favorite Season


Autumn is always the best season of the year back in Minnesota. Spring was wet and muddy, summer hot and muddy and winter dry and frigid. But the autumn, the weather was perfect – dry and sunny days, perfectly cool and fresh. The brilliance of the leaves changing, the birches to yellow, the sumac a rich burgundy, the maples a fiery orange and the basswood a deep mustard. This riot of color would play against the deep greens of the pines and the firs, a rich patchwork of dark and bright colors that, for me, was always the most beautiful palette of the year.

This dress from Kunglers calls that fall palette to mind – the flashes of leaves among the Norway Pine and Black Spruce with the golden tamarack and burgundy sumac and the olivine hemlock. Just looking at it makes me feel a little homesick for where I grew up.

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Patience Is Underrated


Everybody knows the old saying “Patience is a virtue.” But how many have internalized it? How many people actually practice patience? This thought comes to mind frequently in Second Life®. I suppose it’s because we get seven days in a 24-hour period, so we expect everything to be seven times faster. Impatience is a systemic problem and it does not serve people well. Being a fashion blogger, of course I see most impatience in that world – with creators and with bloggers.

As a blogger, I cringe with embarrassment when a new blogger after putting up her masthead and clever name and writing an introductory post sends mass notecards to designers asking for review copies. At that moment they have an audience of one – and that one does not want to buy anything, does she? I blogged for six months before I got my first review copy and that was unsolicited. I did not feel I could ask for review copies until I had my blog on a couple feeds and knew it had good exposure to make it worth their while. I set a goal of 300 unique visits per day before I would approach anyone for review copies. That took seven months of patience, but it was worth it. When I asked a designer if I could blog something, that designer would know that I was dependable because I had proven it with time and patience. I would recommend bloggers put a minimum of three months into blogging with regular blog posts before even thinking of approaching a designer.

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LOTD – August 25, 2013

I’ve been doing too much shopping and not enough blogging. So this lazy Sunday morning, I thought I’d throw together a quick LOTD with some of my newest purchases.

When Miel is on the $50 L friday list – its the FIRST place I head and this last week was no disappointment.

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She who dies with the most shoes wins.


Vero Moderno Kaleidoscope V-Neck Dress

Our virtual extremities have gone through some extreme changes in recent years. Shoemakers responded to the deficiencies of the avatar mesh by creating sculpted feet with shoes that we could match to our skins. The tinting methods designers employed were varied and highly idiosyncratic and tinting a pair of shoes to match could take anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on our skill and the sophistication of the HUD interface. This year, with mesh rigged to fit perfectly, a few designers have taken steps to ease our pain and make our desperate clicking about in color selection boxes and frantic sliding of RGB numbers a thing of the past. Because the path of innovation is never straight, two different routes were chosen, but whichever one you take, you end up with gorgeous shoes and skin that matches.


In exploring the pros and cons of these two paths, I am going to look at Gos shoes and SLink Bare Feet with add-on shoes from another vendor. However, N-Core is also following the same path as Gos and I am sure some other shoe-makers will as well. The thing is, these are fundamentally different approaches to how to match the foot to your skins. Gospel Voom of Gos has chosen to provide the foot and shoes as one piece, the traditional way. His innovation is creating a skin color database and a scripted hud that accesses that data and applies it directly to the foot. Siddean Munro of Slink has taken another road, creating a foot that can be tinted and a free developer’s kit for skinners to customize for their skins and allowing shoemakers to use to make their own shoes to her form.

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Cosmetics Fair Goodness

The cosmetics fair is upon us and I’m super excited about it. I LOVE makeups. Below is a fancy makeup from La Malvada Mujer called Wanda. I’m wearing the “full” but you have options to wear only the eyes or lips or glitter. I paired it with this gorgeous necklace from Mandala called TefuTefu.


Hybie Is Wearing:

Skin: Glam Affair Amberly Petal Edition – clean

Hair: elikatira – Youth – white05

Eyes: IKON Ascension Eyes – Azure

Makeup – La Malvada Mujer – Wanda#2[full]

Necklace: Mandala – TefuTefu – black

Bii Bii’s and 9 Inch Nails – new location… new stuffs….

Come check it out…. a whole new build for these two great stores, lots of new stuff and if you are a fan of Slink mesh hands and feet you HAVE to try these nails… but first the dress. Nora, one of Bii Bii’s newest creations available inworld or on the marketplace.
Bii Bii's Nora 1
Turn the page to see the BACK….
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Make Mine a Sarsaparilla with Phosphate


I headed out to an old-fashioned diner thinking I would like an old-fashioned soda. When I was a child, it was an 85 mile drive to go to the eye doctor, so mom always gave me a special treat taking me to this old-fashioned diner that served phosphates. I always ordered a sarsaparilla phosphate and just the thought of one makes me thirsty and homesick and of course, makes me miss my mom. I stopped off at the Roadside Diner and I would have ordered a sarsaparilla phosphate, but the jerk was obviously taking a long, long break.

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