So, I was considering what to wear on this subway. I really didn’t want anything ridiculous revealing. Something I would hope not be accosted in is what I was thinking. I remembered this gorgeous dress Cecelia Petion had posted on Plurk, so I unpacked the Poppy blogger box for June and saw the box inside had a dress named Cajsa. OMG! What could this be? Then when I unpacked it, it was the dress I remembered from Plurk…I just about did handstands. I would have if I had an animation handy. This struck me as the apotheosis of Second Life serendipity. They way things just fall into place.
Tag Archives: LaGyo
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
Narcissi has released a perfect summer outfit at Vintage Fair. These shorts and tops come in two sets, pastels and brights. The pastel shorts set also has several gorgeous prints, fun vintage prints.
I took to the trees because I was doing a book review of a book called The Solace of Trees that I reviewed on my book blog and on YouTube. It’s about refugees and it is timely, important, and not terribly well done. Continue reading
Colors at The Arcade & Collabor88
My mother was a believe in dressing to feel better. If you feel sick, wear a dress and fix your hair. If you feel blah, wear something bright. I had an annoying headache and felt so dreary yesterday, I knew I needed some brightness, so I put on the white-white-white high-waisted long-bottomed pants from Pixicats at Collabor88. I also added a top from HUCCI in lovely jewel tones and neutrals. Kandinsky once said, “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” I don’t know if that is true, but I know it can give your mood a big pop.
I decided to introduce you to Toodles XXXIII. My brother has had a chihuahua for a pet for most of his adult life. Just one, always named Toodles. Toodles, ToodlesII, ToodlesIII. I am not sure what iteration of Toodles exists now, but I went for XXXIII to be sure I did not tread on any Toodles’ memory.
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Fabsolutely Fun Fashion
Anemysk Kara just showed this blouse she is releasing at Vintage Fair and I just fell in love with its fabstract design. I love the combination of old-fashioned and hyper-modern. The front and the sleeves are so very traditional, then it’s cropped and has an open back. From front to back is a two hundred time travel jump and a brilliant play on form. It’s sold in three packs: plain (vibrant, saturated colors), patterns (prints and florals), and silk (pastels).
I combined it with a fun, cheeky belted skirt from Baiastice which you can find at Collabor88. Frankly, I was so indecisive, I could see the top with pencil skirts, cigarette pants, a mini-skirt, high-waisted bell bottoms, or just about anything. The slim silhouette of a pencil skirt of cigarette pant would be sophisticated, but I thought this cheeky option would be fabsolutely fashion fun.
I shot my pictures at One Tree Hill, a Linden Endowment of the Arts sim. It’s probably based on the show I have never watched, but I loved the nostalgia of the sim.
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Pretty Belleza
When Belleza releases a new skin it’s always been a reason for me to take note. I’ve been a fan a long time of the elegant and understated looks offered by this brand. Elegant without being overpowering, Erin is another one in the WIN column from Belleza in my opinion. Continue reading
It’s your last moments to grab the goodies at Collabor88 before the new stuff starts rolling in for set up tomorrow. This darling suit is perfect for sunning yourself by a waterfront location, you know there are thousands to choose from.
Personally I prefer our own land.
Fingers Crossed
Bento makes me happier than I thought it would. My happiness comes from things like these poses from Gingerfish that have Bento hand movements built right in. When Bento first came out, I was dubious, afraid that more complexity would strain my already struggling computer to the breaking point. I also moaned about one more thing to learn. I dawdled. I did not rush to buy bento hands immediately. I waited hoping it would all be figured out by someone else or even just go away. But it didn’t and both Slink and Maitreya released hands optimized for Bento and my computer did not fold over in a faint. So here we are. Animators are busy adapting and creating poses that capitalize on this new expressiveness and I am wondering why I was such a grouch about it. I guess I must be getting crotchety in my old SLage.
I kind of fell in several sorts of love with the skirt and jacket from Emery. The Stella skirt has two options with a latte stripe or a pearl stripe. The Bastet jacket has bold lapels that give it a relaxed, casual air while being very fashion conscious. They are at Collabor88 this month and a knotted tee is also sold to accompany them. I decided to go a different way, though, and chose this top from Baiastice.
I stopped off at Gacha Gardens and picked up some backdrops for photos from RAMA. I love that they used materials, so the sunshine sets it ablaze. Continue reading
The Shadow of Chthulu
I wasn’t going to post this picture as I took it playing with shadows and goofing off last night, however that changed after I read plurk this morning.
Morgana Hilra who blogs over at So Hawt SL is having one of those days. One of those days where she feels pressured to blog differently because of X or whatever. Someone is in her ear, or she’s feeling like she needs to change.
I think it’s great to grow and change but the idea that someone would pressure someone else into making their blog something that it isn’t is uncool. It’s downright wrong. Continue reading
I always like to bust up sets and mix and match because it shows that the clothing people make in Second Life is more versatile than we think. For that reason, even though the Irina cropped sweater I am wearing from The Secret Store comes with a beautiful skirt that coordinates with it, I chose to wear a different skirt to show it can be done. Of course, you know and I know it can be done, but a reminder is useful. Continue reading
Yoga and Coffee
New Year New Me continues to resonate thanks to Collabor88 this month. Today I’m going to stretch and bend my mesh to some Yoga thanks to this amazingly cute bag from LaGyo. I’m going to be comfy in these top and bottom set from House of Hucci that’s sexy and functional for some serious inner peace.
What I need to do though is burrow a tunnel over to the studio. Even though it’s just a short land bridge across the islands to where Cajsa built our work out gym, it’s gonna be a cold run. I have also ordered some protein powders as I am planning to do more intense exercises.
Two VERY cute items to pick up this month at Collabor88 for you gym rats are – first this bracelet also from LaGyo – a close up.

Perfect for the gymrat you love, even if it’s yourself!
And this necklace from Yummy.

Neclace from Yummy
And now I’m out to make my mesh healthier. Wish me luck!
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Belleza – Callie
Body:-Belleza- Isis
Top: ::HH:: Hucci Oroville Top – Collection (Isis) COLLABOR88
Shorts: ::HH:: Hucci Perdizes Shorts – Collection (Isis) Collabor88
Bracelet: LaGyo_Vanessa Gym Charms Bracelet – Gold Collabor88
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento (new)
Bag: LaGyo Vanessa yoga bag
Necklace: Yummy – Collabor88