I had a brief bout with homelessness yesterday. Funny, in my early days of SL – suddenly not having my own space would have made me feel panicked – even unsafe. But yesterday I thought “Eh, this’ll sort” and went wandering. I found my way over to Amatorum and I hadn’t visited it’s new incarnation, I’m rather delighted at how lovely it is again. It’s a little bloggers dream in terms of vignettes for shooting pictures. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Ingenue
The Arcade Is Coming
I’ve surrendered my lindens to the Gods of the Arcade and I have NO regrets. My cup runneth over with joy and happy. The things I deleted have been replaced with new, wonderful things and I’m ready for the season of happy!
Some of my first pass loves are the amazing folk art pieces for the kitchen from The Secret store and these HUSKIES from Jian. Oh gosh there are so many and SO SO SO CUTE. Continue reading
OMG I Have To Clean My Inventory… The ARCADE is Coming
There is nothing I dislike more than when it’s time to divest myself of my THINGS, unless it’s because it’s almost time to get MORE things.
I like More things. More things is good. I sat down this morning with a cuppa and my great big inventory and though self, let’s make some room.
I realized very quickly that it MIGHT be easiest to start with deduping the chaos of my multiples of same items. Then I went on to SYSTEM skins. Oh system skins, you were good to me. You were so so so good to me. And now, now you’re like used saran wrap. I can’t put you on anymore. Continue reading
To fly we have to have resistance
Resistance is not futile. Resistance gives flight to hope and defies despair. Resistance reminds us that we are a better nation when we embrace social and racial justice. While the arc of history just got a big kink in its bend toward justice, it still bends. We have lived experience that gay rights, women’s rights, civil rights and human rights are empowering, not weakening our country. They cannot erase that knowledge, the lived experience of Americans who saw that gay rights bring joy, that trans liberation brings freedom, that women’s rights brings advancement, that immigrant rights bring progress, and that human rights bring progress. They can try to take away those rights, but the living experience of our people prove their crabbed and cruel vision of the future is a lie. We will prevail in the long run. They are on the wrong side of history which is why even their temporary victory fills them with rage instead of celebration.
Meanwhile, we can still enjoy life…and fashion.
The Subtle Magic of Blueberry
I am so in love with this Blaire blouse from Blueberry, mainly because of the attention to detail. Look at those perfect seams, the pockets, the buttons, the cuffs. Everything about that blouse is exquisite in the details, even the wrinkling around the elbows. To top it off, the blouse is released with a tucked and untucked version. When something so simple and basic as a white shirt is elevated with these kinds of details, that is when clothing becomes fashion. Even better, there is a HUD that lets you choose from many colors for the fabric and the buttons.
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Don’t Get Froggy…or Do?
I’ve lived a lot of places and I tend to take “sayings” from those places with me when I move. One of my favorites was “Don’t get froggy” when meant – don’t JUMP into something, either with attitude or just generally sticking your nose in where it didn’t belong. If you started to start mouthing off into something that wasn’t going to go well for you, a friend would say “Oh don’t get froggy.” It always made me laugh. Continue reading
I Am House Hunting – Or Is It Hunting Me?
I could not resist the temptation to try out the new house from Scarlet Creative at COLLABOR88 this month. Such a lovely, cozy space, I thought maybe, JUST MAYBE I would make a change. Fall is the time I often switch houses and despite missing my tree houses I was thinking perhaps this one is the one? Maybe I should settle into this snug space with it’s interesting little alcoves and hallways? Continue reading
Starting The Fall Decor
I’m decorating for fall and you’ve got just a couple more days to pick up these great candles and this bookcase at Collabor88. This is my FAVORITE time of the year, and I’m so excited to sort out new looks for my house!
Time to get all of my spooky things out and make ready for Halloween!
Happy Wednesday girls!
Gidge is Wearing:
Dress:=Zenith=nature dress with scaf (Flower)-Maitreya COLLABOR88
Eyes: Banana Banshee – Autumn – Purples applier HUD (wear me)
Bracelet: Cae :: Trick or Treat :: Bracelet (L)
Head: CATWA HEAD Bibi V4.10
Skin: Pink Fuel
Boots: Ingenue :: Woodruff Boots (Maitreya) :: Camel COLLABOR88
Lara Hurley- Mesh Moles
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
Hair: Tableau Vivant \ My Day @ Work
Candles Decor: Second Spaces – Collabor88
Bookcase: Schadenfreude – Collabor88
Sunday Morning Solitude
Sometimes I have too much solitude in my SL. You’d think a place full of avatars looking to make fuck might be rife with social opportunities but you’d be wrong. It’s strange how the isolation can wear on you, after years and years. Continue reading
Angel of The Arcade
I spent my morning at the blogger preview for The Arcade and I have to confess, again I’m so amazed at all of the beautiful things being offered.
This post isn’t about those things. Continue reading