posted by Gidge Uriza
I have watched Cajsa post Donna Flora and said in my mind “Self, you do not need another store to love. Let Cajsa make sweet love to Donna Flora and no matter what, DO NOT GO THERE!”
And then I went there.

The fact that I came away with only one dress and one necklace was not a statement of not being able to find something to SUIT me, rather a statement of being so overwhelmed with the fantastic fun I found that I couldn’t pick what to buy next.
I’m serious, how did I not know that this store had unbelievable bargains and goodness? Plus jewelry oh drooooool for the JEWELRY. You have no idea what gorgeous stuffs there are to be found, if you have not been yet.

My Grandma Had a Brooch Exactly Like the Waist Ornament!
I am also wearing a fun hairstyle courtesy of Head Mistress and I want EVERYONE TO NOTICE my title says nothing about dirty knees this time! This hair is called Drama Queen and it made me laugh. Perhaps big hair = big drama?
Cajsa also corrupted me by taking me to Chaisuki to look at skin. I can see that place is going to break me. The make-ups are amazing.

Style Notes
***Bold R Indicates a Review Item***
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – Chaisuki – Alisha – Rainbow in Medium Tone
- Hair – HEAD MISTRESS – Drama Queen – Starlet R
- Eyes – Poetic Color- Lilac Blossoms
- Dress – Donna Flora – Rebecca
- Necklace – Donna Flora – Gabriela – Turquoise
- Shoes – Juicy – Slingback Pumps in Marshmallow
- Lashes – Lelutka Photoshoot Lashes