I love the high fashion style of this black and white striped dress with the big shoulder epaulettes from InMonster for Fashion For Life. I prefer clothes that don’t make the alpha go all the way to the edges, it make shots from anything but a straight angle difficult. Of course, many designers do alphas right to the edge because shoppers get irritated at having to tweak the slide even one notch. For me, I would rather tweak that notch and not have little gaps. There are none showing, but from the back, if you are at the wrong angle, you see the yawning emptiness of alpha along the very bottom of the dress. Still, I love its style and it looks good from most angles. I love how the sleeve stripes go the opposite of the dress stripes.
Who knows where the time goes? Take today for example, it’s 4:30 and all I have accomplished is shooting these blog pics. I have not even done my Fast Five yet. Where did it go? To chatting on plurk, browsing the news, reading about the new Pope and other dithering. Speaking of time going, Fashion For Life is halfway through, so it’s time to make an effort to go there and help support American Cancer Society. In the fight against cancer, the time goes far too fast.
Across the morning sky, all the birds are leaving
But how can they know it’s time for them to go?
Before the winter fire, we’ll still be dreaming
I do not count the time
For who knows where the time goes?
Who knows where the time goes?