Tag Archives: Fashioni

I Didn't Get Skin…At Ray Skin

posted by Gidge Uriza

It was at Ray Skin that I was Serenaded by a foreigner, crooner tunes by the PLEASUREMAN Gunther and I have to admit it was distracting. After all, despite liking an outfit, I like to sort of understand it as well. And I couldn’t concentrate on figuring this out with all the “oooo you touched my tra-la-la” going on.

I have no idea what this is.

I mean, I LIKE IT. I actually like it a lot. I like the color and the construction but like…….Retro? Vintage? Neko? Harajuku? Barbie Armegeddon? Urban Primitive? (ok not the last one) Continue reading

Detroit Rha!-ck City

posted by Gidge Uriza

First I Drink…….

Then I Smoke……

Yeah, I’m in a KISS mood. That quote was for all you 40 year old guys pretending to be 25 year old guys.  Or pretending to be girls. Your Mom doesn’t like what you’ve done to her basement.

But I digress.

I recently got the opportunity to meet and visit with Rhaorth from RHA! designs while we were shopping at Zaara.  She was talking to someone else when I got there, about fashion bloggers etc…….and you know me. Continue reading