Tag Archives: collabor88

I Am Ready to Collabor88


My computer is back with a new hard drive, so it’s kind of like starting with a blank slate. It is certainly the cleanest clean install of Second Life I have done as it was the first application I installed. So there I was in-world again after my short hiatus and ready to Collabor88. But first, I had to log in as the LoveDonnaFlora avatar and transfer all the funds to Squinternet after the Love Donna Flora event. All in all, the event raised  $12,619.45 to help support Squinternet’s struggle with cancer. There may be some more coming in after the event, but it is likely to be small and will, of course, be transferred to Squint regularly.

Speaking of Donna Flora, the dress I am wearing is a perfect Collabor88tion of MiaMai’s Monica Outlander and Donna Flora’s Squinternet. Again, Monica executed Squint’s vision, marrying her skills and sensibilities with Squint’s exuberant love of vintage. The result is a dress that seems to have a third collabor88tor in the mix, Gustav Klimt. The blend of fabrics were surely chosen by Squint after consulting with Klimt. And who could be a better collabor88tor for the 1920s. It’s not well known, but Klimt designed some dresses with his lover Emilie Flöge, the couturier. His dresses hung from the shoulders, without a defined and corseted waist and were very bohemian in their aesthetic.
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Swimming In Mitosis

I wandered over to LEA6 this morning, because I didn’t know what to shoot. When in doubt, LEA sims will always provide some inspiration and things to think about. This build is called Mitosis.

It tells you what it’s all about, there are three levels that represent various things in your existence. You fly up to the second two levels to experience those works. I’d tell you more about it, but these depths are better plumbed by Hybie, Honour or Acha. As for me, I’m wearing a cute suit. Continue reading

Vintage Beauty from PXL Creations for COLLABOR88

PXL Creations has released a beautiful Vintage KATE skin for Collabor88 this month, complete with great pencil thin eyebrows for a true retro look. There are four variations to the lips, and there are actually “regular” eyebrows included but I was feeling very 1920s this morning. Continue reading

I Love When The Feeds Are Beautiful

Collabor88 this month has caused a riot in the usual styling on the feeds. Classy, sleek lines and elegant chic are widely replacing some of the more questionable choices.  I have to say, it warms the heart. Continue reading

Love Donna Flora Ends In A Few Hours

As I was getting ready for an evening in, I realized I haven’t reminded you that LOVE DONNA FLORA ends and I mean within HOURS! There is still time to get amazing gorgeous items to help out our friend Squinternet as she battles cancer.

I’m wearing beautiful lingerie from Luxuria for the event, and sexy, girly bedroom slippers from SLink.  Perfect for sexy evenings in, like I have planned. My skin is also for the event from PXL Creations. It’s a gorgeous, femme look with soft features.  Continue reading

Fancy Friday

It’s Friday night and that can only mean one thing – get dressed up and find a fancy dress party. Good thing I finally made it into Collabor88 because there are plenty of items to make all your fancy dress party dreams come true! Like this glorious vintage dress from Ison. It was love at first site.


Hybie Is Wearing:

Gown: Ison – Dazzle – Black – Collabor88
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Claudette – night shadow – Collabor88
Skin: Birdy – Aria – Pure – Secrets – Collabor88
Eyes: Ikon – Ascension – Starfall

Why You Need The SLink Medium Feet

I am here today to testify to HYBIE and the rest of you nonbelievers. I WAS A NONBELIEVER!! I stood amongst you and said “I don’t even CARE about system feet. WHO CARES!” And then I tried on my SLink feet. And then people started making SHOES just FOR the SLink feet. And I coveted those shoes. And they fit on my feet and the Lord saw that it was good. Continue reading

Every Day Waiting For You

An elegant throwback to a more refined and stylish time, this month’s COLLABOR88 celebrates the era of flappers and art deco, the time when men were men and women were dames.

I already said that, didn’t I?

Well it’s still true.

Except that only cheap women were dames and I’m a lady. Obviously. Continue reading

Oh, those monthly events



The monthly events faMESHed and Collabor88 always come through with something wonderful For example, from faMESHed there is this gorgeous dress from NYU. The bodice is particularly lovely making its name “Bodice Dress” so appropriate.

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Collabor88 Is Putting It All Together

The designers are setting up and it’s a mad dash to be open for the grand birthday celebration of Collabor88.  It’s a guaranteed event of the first order, and all your favorites and lots of great guests are lining up to bring you things you need and things you want and things you’ll want to need. There are some other things that you’ll need to want. Continue reading