I went outside to get set up for my cookout/pool party today and discovered this off the coast. The Jolie Rouge is up, so that’s a bit concerning to me. They continued sailing onward around the tip of the coast and heading toward Bloodroot. I feel like it’s very likely that is where they were headed with a name like that. Don’t you?
Just a simple affair today with lots of sun and food. I’m going to have to get Aliana to change her hair when Cajsa finally gets back on the grid regularly. Two redheads would be too confusing. But she’s my Alt Bestie that’s for sure. I keep thinking I will make her a proper bedroom – it can almost be like she really lives here! Poor girl. I never let her go many places.
It’s hot and sweaty today. A true traditional summer kick off kind of day. I should have invited over more people but then I’m never good at being around when other people are having things. I should work on that.
I picked up a new pool from the Stay at Home Club – that is a great free pick up run don’t walk. I also got us both a new swimsuit for the day. Free is my favorite price.
I hope that your Memorial Day weekend was reverent to those lost but that your time spent with family and friends was fully of love and sunshine.
Happy Monday girls.
Gidge is kicking off summer with: Head: Catwa Hair: Exile::Loose Ends Body: Maitreya – Lara Bikini: TP – FLAMINGO Bikini Bra Maitreya – Stay at Home Club Overalls: N-Uno Tank: Addams Earrings: ~FBG~ Conversation Hearts Antique Gold Earrings Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BOM – EVERLASTING cotton candy
Aliana is all free all the time in: Jeans and Tank from Stay at Home club Bikini from Stay at Home Club Hair from – Wasabi Pills (gacha) Skin From – 7 Deadly Skins
Head – Akeruka
Home: Gidge’s Vic on Abrus – Bellisseria Picnic Table: Vintage Cheeky Pea Grill: Tres Blah Pink Lemonade: What Next Radio: Tres Blah
I am super intrigued by the Linden Trailers ever since I discovered they have a faux Air Stream model. I need one for a vacation home. I don’t want to live in one, I just want to visit. My friend Putrid was good enough to let me visit hers and now I’m verklempt because I want one.
They only offer them on a 514 and that’s crap for prims but still – it would be a PERFECT vacation house. Do you have a Linden house? Which one and do you like it?
Gidge is Trailer Trash In: Tights: [Stellar] Garter Tights in black Beads: (Yummy) Bombshell Beads – Onyx Head: CATWA HEAD Freya Hair: Exile:: Be My Baby Shoes: Ingenue :: Marlo Flats (Maitreya) :: Fatpack Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara Dress: [NANI] Noodle.Dress (Black+White)_(maitreya exp) Skin: -Belleza- Naomi BoM Pale Bl
There are people who are too good for mainland, who find the allure of the privately held islands close to their heart. There are some who are in love with the new Linden homes , and who can blame them they are adorable. As for me I’ve returned to the Mainland, and I’m finding that it’s really not the chaos I remember. A little 1024 in a snowy land is proving to be a cozy choice for this busy girl.
I might be lucky that none of my neighbors have put up GOTH SEX CASTLES as some are wont to do around here. My next door neighbor DOES have up those ridiculous Pink Pony ban lines.
Pro-tip, if you furniture is 2010 hideous there is no chance I’m coming traipsing through your house. No no no. You don’t need the ban lines. Also, your ban lines don’t prevent me from camming in to SEE your 2010 furniture or any other shenanigans. So really, all you’ve done is be ugly by putting those up and forcing me to look at them. LUCKILY Gogo told me how to NOT have to see them so I’m happy now.
The real win is that my friend Putrid is my other neighbor and so we can pop in on each other as much as we like. THAT is awesome.
I picked up the lingerie at the Pure Poison marketplace sale for 1L – and can we just say it’s more not there than there? Woo my modesty! I’ll stay seated, thank you.
Hope your day is full of beauty and wonder.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Belleza Body: -Belleza- Freya -Belleza- Mesh Body HUD V3 Eyes: Banana Banshee Head: CATWA HEAD Bibi V4.10 Hair: Exile:: Swept Away (L) Lingerie: Pure Poison – Seline Lengerie
I spent the last few days moving house (yes again what can I say) and after working like a peasant moving prims about I decided that I deserved a little vacation. I grabbed my bags and headed out to try my hand at surfing. I know I’ve done a little now and then throughout the years but it’s been so long since I’ve dedicated a few hours to being able to do it that I thought WHY NOT NOW?
How hard could it be?
Me flying off the board….it’s not easy folks.
Well it’s not easy. AT ALL. There’s a weird combination of skill plus your computers lack of lagging out plus well, just LUCK I think involved. I got knocked off my board a lot.
It seems like it’s all in your toes, if I’m honest. If i was thinking about my toes when I was guiding her, I managed to not go wonky. Eventually I ended up doing this a lot, paddling out, surfing in, paddling out, surfing in.
Why is this so satisfying?
I don’t know, but it’s made my day pretty wonderful.
I have to go home at some point. But not right now.
skin – Belleza .LeLutka.Teeth.P_0 :V.e. Garbo Dressing Gown Lime MT Banana Banshee Eyes CATWA HEAD Bibi V4.10 Exile:: The Idea of Her Lingerie – Luxuria
You might be thinking that I forget to get my sweet monkey faced baby out and take her trick or treating but you’d be wrong. Now, if you questioned WHERE I took her trick or treating, you’d be more on target, this is for sure. I just did the usual search for Halloween stuff and well, I don’t now. This place seems SUPER intense to me. Continue reading →
It’s getting chilly in both lives. I spent part of my lazy weekend looking around for some new pieces for the house and ended up inspired but not finding that perfect piece – yet.
I decided to pull out my Catwa head for a while, so many pretty new skins have been made for her that I haven’t worn, it seemed like it was time to take her for a spin. It’s interesting how you think of your “self” in the head you choose and then when you choose another one, somehow it feels like a different version of “you”. At least, it does for me. Continue reading →
I have a troubling problem. I am addicted to the sweets that are created in SL. Maybe it’s not just because I love them in real life, but the more beautiful they are the more likely it is must have them.
The ARCADE is a breeding ground for such creations and I have to admit, I love them for it. Wedding cake? I don’t need a wedding. I’ve got a cake. I’d rather have the cake, frankly.
The Arcade, that bastion of goodness you didn’t know you needed, is closing tomorrow at midnight. All the lovely things will go away and you’ll have to wait three months.
I on the other hand will be stuffing my face like a monster with these sweets.
It’s not too late!
Get over there before they are gone!
Gidge is Wearing:
Lingerie: #LANA- The Rosie Lingerie Skirt // Freya
#LANA- The Rosie Lingerie Top // Freya
Body: -Belleza- Freya
Head: CATWA HEAD Bibi V4.10
Earrings: Dark Mouse
Hair: Exile:: Sure, Jan. (BENTO)
LeLutka.Facelight-wear me
Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes L
[GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes R
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Bed: Ariskea – THE ARCADE
Donuts Box: Action Randy – The Arcade
Cakes and treats: Moss & Mink – Cake and Lace items from THE ARCADE