There’s been an absence in my Second Life® and in the lives of many others for the past two months. A dear friend, Squinternet Larnia of Donna Flora, has been struggling with illness. She is now out of hospital and working hard to recover and find the strength to keep fighting for her health.
I remember when I was sick last year how she would IM me all the time to ask after my health and share her hope and concern for me. There were times when I felt really low and the love and friendship I found in Second Life lifted my spirit and gave me strength. I hope those of us whose Second Lives have been touched by her art, her imagination and her work as well as those who have come to know her kind and gentle spirit can do the same for her.
Let us send her messages of love, encouragement and support to lift her spirit and give her strength so that she comes back to us soon with renewed strength and good health.
And to that end, many of us have joined together in a project to highlight the fabulous Donna Flora (Marketplace) designs that have beautified our world from A to Z. Over the next week, there will be many more posts added to this abecedarian list highlighting her amazing work. The original plan was to post them all on one day, but so many people wanted to participate, it became clear that it made more sense to spread them out over a week and I am sure more will want to join. This post will stay sticky for the next week so you can find it easily until the project is completed.