Maitreya – Lara body LeLutka – Briannon head Heaux – Yumi skin (new at The Warehouse Sale) Song – Lotta eyes Anice – Piper lashes Dark Mouse – Sweetheart earrings (free at Shop&Hop) Mirja – Sala hair (new at Hair Fair) Blueberry – Po Crop Tank Blueberry – Po Jacket Blueberry – Po Pants Blueberry – GoGuy shoes
It’s my favorite time of year when multiple massive events collide. It’s HAIRFAIR and it’s SL20B and it’s also the SHOP & HOP Celebrating the SL20b.
I’ve only gotten about halfway around the Shop & Hop and honestly IDK if I care about doing the rest. Maybe? It’s such a crapshoot of amazing and awful – I suppose I may try.
Today I’m wearing something from the AMAZING category, a free Shop & Hop gift from Valentina E. This swimsuit is perfect for a girl who likes a little more modesty in her swimwear and I love a vintage look any time.
My little evening snack is a freebie also, how can I say no to such a pretty treat? It’s too pretty to eat – almost!
My hair is a free gift from KMH. I’m of two minds about it. The style is cute and I like the textures but the hairbase that you have to wear with it isn’t very well done. The front of it is fine but the sides are flat and just…disappointing. I shot it from the best possible angle but it’s not awesome. You might think “Well it was free why are you complaining?” But you see, I pick up free things to try out a new to me designer very often – especially at an event like Hair Fair. So I give it a B. The actual hair is cute. I’d buy one of their styles without a hair base or one I could use a different hair base with. Just my two cents. Gidge is Freebie Happy In: Hair: KMH – HairFair2023Gift Earrings: (Yummy) Serenity Earring Necklace: (Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set (Lara) Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1 Swimsuit: :V.e. Teal Retro Swimsuit Lara Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Snack: MVT – Pancake delight – Spring – Gift Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 LUCY-MAY bom skin PINEAPPLE
If you’re an old school Hair Fair junkie like me you know that there are some things that you gotta do. You gotta buy bandanas to wear on Bandana Day – even if it’s only one and now apparently you have to get a Hair Fair Hare.
Seriously he is SO DANG CUTE! What a little sweetie. And he’s wearing his bandana already! He’s a joiner, he is!
Have you been to Hair Fair yet? Many of the designers are offering a free gift but even better everyone has at least one item that is donating a % to Wigs for Kids, which is an amazing organization.
You can get a sneaky peaky at the styles being offered, slurls as well as a lovely map if you pop over HERE.
Hair Fair is going on until July 2nd. So get you over there to have at it! You need new hair. I KNOW YOU DO!
I’m wearing EXILE from Hair Fair topped with a wreath crown made by Sparkle Skye which is SO beautiful and dainty. Gidge is Hair Fair Ready Earrings: (Yummy) Serenity Earring – L (ALL) (Yummy) Serenity Earring Necklace: (Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set (Lara) Hair: SS Blossom DBL Wreath – Soft Pink Wht Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1 Dress: BESH Knotted Dress Hair: Exile:: Tatiana 2 Hare: Hair Fair 2023 Hare – Juicy – Red Hare Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Shoes: Pure Poison – Cozy XMass Pumps – Maitreya Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 LUCY-MAY bom skin PINEAPPLE Shot on Location – KOWLOON
I love to get out and about, especially when I get to explore new places – or new to me places. Tonight’s excursion was no exception. I had the best time exploring in New York 2.
Tonight I’m decked out in Blueberry. This is one of my favorite brands, you can always count on them for the kind of quality you don’t have to demo – her work is always top notch. I’m wearing the new GEN X body for Belleza and I am really enjoying her. Blueberry makes a host of great clothes for her.
I was SO excited to see that Yummy is designing for this body. As one of my favorite jewelry makers on the grid, it’s so great to find someone you already love making things for your new body. YAY!
If you don’t mind, I’m gonna grab some street food for dinner before I head back home. I will catch you lovelies later. Have a beautiful Friday! Gidge is Into Rainy Weather In: Jewelry: (Yummy) Serenity Earrings – L&R (ALL) (Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set (Gen.X) Classic Body: -Belleza- Gen.X Classic Body Body: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1 Jeans: Blueberry – Daisy – LowJeans – Cutiebootie – GenX Classic Shoes: Blueberry – Daisy – Shoes – GenX Shirt Jacket: Blueberry – Minnie – Rain Coats – Gen X Classic Umbrella: Elm. Traditional Umbrella [R] ~ Lavender Hair: Exile:: Kara 2 Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 LUCY-MAY bom skin PINEAPPLE
Maitreya- Lara body LeLutka – Briannon head Stealthic – Alive hair (new @ Anthem) Pity Party – Fennel skin (new @ Anthem) Banana Banshee – Juno eyes (new @ The Arcade) Vegas – Feeling tattoo Amias – Ivet dress (new @ Anthem) Naminoke – Janome Hydrangea purple umbrella (new @ The Arcade) Dark Mouse – Classic Patterns bracelets KC – Dania ballet flats (The Saturday Sale) Myrrine – Asian set (new @ the Arcade)