Category Archives: Life Style, Home and Garden

Hunt and Peck

I have to confess that this harpsichord was at the top of my MUST HAVE items from The Arcade. I immediately knew I had no room for it and thus would MOVE to make it so, or would simply discard other loved items. I decided on the latter. Because – HARPSICHORD.

The hud comes with three color options, and the choice of a painted inner lid or not.  It’s so classically lovely I couldn’t resist.

My birdies are from…BIRDIE also from the Arcade this month. My understanding is that you Potter fans will like them the most – I never saw any of that, so for me they’re just pretty and that’s good enough! My hair is another win from new to me [INK] – I just love their contributions this round to the event.

Now, I’m going to relax and enjoy my fancy new decor, from Fancy Decor.

Gidge Is Wearing:
Ring: (Yummy) True Fate Ring – Gold – Opal
Body: -Belleza- Isis
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Jumpsuit: Blueberry – Loud – Jumpsuit – Isis
Blueberry Loud – Leather Bra – Isis
Harpsichord: Fancy Decor – THE ARCADE
Owel and Griffon: Birdie – THE ARCADE

I Have Never Been More Free

Balancing your life can be a tremendous strain. So much to do, so little time. So much to want, so hard to get it all done or acquired. Me time, you time, our time, is there even a me and you? What is it that’s real? Where does my energy go? Once you figure that out, the rest is easy. Continue reading

Ever Feel Like You’re Being Watched ?

I was getting ready to possibly go out last night, and I kept having this weird feeling that someone else was in the treehouse with me. I can’t put my finger on why, I just kept having this SENSE that I wasn’t alone. Continue reading

No YOU Need More PS…Just Sayin’

A lovely friend of mine, and fellow blogger got some weird critique. Well, weird to me. She was told “You need better PS skills.” This was in response to her applying to blog for someone.


My advice in response was basically this. If their products are so bad that they require you to photoshop them, no one should be wearing them anyway. Continue reading

Gimme Some Damn Coffee

Let’s face it, some people aren’t themselves until they eat. I’m not myself until I get a cup (or two) of hot Joe in the morning. In fact, I’m downright cranky I confess. I probably shouldn’t get this cranky but darnit, the service in this place is just too damn slow. Continue reading

There are Two Important Things I Need To Discuss Today

One is that I love the Fucking Gacha Garden. So much so, that I believe they should change their name to exactly that. But then you’d end up with unmentionables at every vendor and well I’m just too much of a lady for all that. Yes I am. But I’m not too much of a lady to LOVE SOME DAMN FOOTBALL.

I drug out a table and a TV and set up for the big game! Continue reading

The Right Girl and the Girl Who Waited

There is the Girl Who Waited who is Amelia Pond. She waited for his return, and when he did great adventures and wonder happened throughout her life. But she was spun along through her own adventures, like a rudderless boat sometimes. She wasn’t the captain, yet she was a willing participant in the chaos of adventure she was able to experience. (I won’t embrace the spoilers of the end of her adventures, as we know it’s against the rules – SPOILERS!)

But there’s another kind of girl and she’s the kind who won’t wait for anybody. Continue reading

If You’re Ready Come And Get It

Cheeky Pea has a new bed out at UBER and I really like it. It’s a swirling mess of blowing silks around a lively arbor theme. She’s calling it the Woodland Tent Bed and it’s aptly named. I’d like to try it out but alas, I’m all alone over here and can’t give most of these animations a go. I’ll trust that they are lovely. Continue reading

What’s Your Runway Like?

Everyone has a different runway of emotions. It’s how long it takes you to break, to change course, to stop whatever it is you’re investing in. That friend whom you question “how long is she going to put up with that?” is still on her runway. She isn’t out of space yet. I think all emotions have them in some way or another, and how we react when we get to the end of that runway is another thing all together. Continue reading

No Way To Control It – It’s Totally Holographic…Whenever You’re Around

Unless you’ve been under a rock you know that this round at COLLABOR88 is HOLOGRAPHIC for the moodboard theme. The releases are fun and festive and I have to admit, there’s just so much fun to be had it’s not easy to pick WHAT to love. Continue reading