Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

The Mahrathon Has Started.


I am hoping each and everyone of you will make an effort in the next 24 hours to pop over to The Velvet and contribute to the annual fundraising event for Heifer International. This is a combination First and Second Life event that takes place at The Star Lounge in Chicago and The Velvet in Second Life and raises a little over $1500 or so for Heifer International each year. If every reader stops by and makes a contribution – you will blast through the past and break records. As a treat, Maht Wuyts will even play some of his own recordings – and believe me, it’s a treat.


Taking in the Holiday Home Tour

I had a little free time so I decided to hit the road for the Holiday Home Tour this weekend (Contact Tymmerie Thorne for a NC of Slurls ASAP! It’s only today and tomorrow!). It was a gorgeous winter day to get out and I managed to get through three lovely homes before I had to get home to relieve the sitter. Continue reading

Art and Fashion


One of the most shocking moments in Project Runway history was when Nina Garcia declared, “Fashion is not Art. Stores are not museums. You go to stores to buy clothes. You do not go to stores to look at clothes.” Seriously? Her fashion credentials should have been revoked then and there. Also her membership in the sisterhood. Has she never gone window-shopping? Has she never gone “shopping” with her friends just to look?


Marc Jacobs also declared that fashion is not art, though his argument was more cogent and fully-formed. “Fashion to me is not art because it is only valid if it is lived in and worn. I make clothes and bags and shoes for people to use, not to put up on a wall and look at. I think clothes in a museum are complete death. I have seen exhibitions of the clothes of Jackie Kennedy and I am not interested in her wardrobe. I am interested in the life and the women who wore those clothes.”


Of course, the answer to that question depends on how you would answer the question “What is art” If you define it as static and inviolate objects separate from function and use, then fashion cannot be art. If you define it as the combination of craft and materials in a creative expression of ideas about form and function, then fashion is clearly an art. I think, however, that one Alexander McQueen dress is also a definitive proof that fashion is art.
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Maitreya Comes To Collabor88

One of the things that makes Collabor88 a hallmark event each month is that the releases from the core group of designers are certain to be high quality, must have items. It’s a combination of talent, reputation and love of what they do that they put into every piece they release. Events get tired, and worn out. Collabor88 roars back in every month and it’s always the same chatter “I can’t get in.” “Someone leave Collabor88” “It’s been two days and I can’t get in”. This isn’t because of the cache of simply going. It’s because there are a core group of designers releasing great things that add beauty and style to our second lives, head to house. Continue reading

I Am 16 Going On 17…

I can’t help it, I’ve been singing this song ever since I put on this gorgeous release from Katat0nik for COLLABOR88 this morning.

My friend Codie told me the other day that pixel Gidge looks like a teenager.

I think today she’s right!

Eyelashes cheLLe – Eyelashes 5
Dress: *katat0nik* (steel blue/thin) Cozy Knit Jumper Dress COLLABOR88
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Elegant
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Fernanda Group Gift
Skin: [PXL] MIA ~BlackLabel~ NAT PALE MEB
Eyes: Vision by A:S:S – Enaid – Alexandria

Winding Down @ Shoetopia


There are less than 12 hours left to explore, shop and spread joy to shoeless people around the world because Shoetopia closes at midnight. Remember, you are not only buying gorgeous shoes, but you are also helping raise money for Soles4Souls – an international effort to shod the shoeless. When you and I want a new pair of shoes, we want it for reasons of style, fashion or sport, but there are children who want shoes so they can go to school, so they can avoid hookworm parasites and deadly infections and injuries. Shoes for them are not a fashion statement, but a lifeline. So before time runs short, go to Shoetopia and shop, shop, shop.


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Shoe Art at Shoetopia on the Last Day.



Shoes like these from BSD Design Studio are not for the faint of heart, but for the daring. They are works of art – as surely as anything in a gallery space. In fact, they deserve galley space. These are from BSD Design Studio where you can always find bold, innovative haute fashion designs. Since the advent of Gos auto-tinting and Slink appliers, I have become spoiled and resist having to tint feet, but it was worth the bother to put these lovely shoes on.
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There are some great pieces that can be mixed and matched at Collabor88. The top from Aux works brilliantly with the pants from Baiastice for example. I just had to wear one size smaller pant to make sure there were no stray spots bumping through in the back.

Despite the false mythology of our first Thanksgiving and the martial origins of the official Thanksgiving holiday, Thanksgiving remains one of my favorite holidays. I acknowledge that sordid history, but I love that we have a holiday that is not about anything more than gathering with friends and family to focus with gratitude on the richness and plenitude of our lives. It’s unfortunate that it’s been invade by retail commercialism and ever-more-desperate consumerism, but that is on us. We allow it. And we can bring the holiday back to food, family and thankfulness if we care enough.


I am thankful for many things in my life, but for this post, I want to focus on those things that make me thankful in my Second Life®. First and foremost, I am thankful that Second Life exists and for its culture of creativity, liberality and freedom that allows people to express themselves as they wish to – as people, birds, horses, monsters, cats, dragons and even oscillating balls of light. I am thankful that Linden Lab and Philip Rosedale had that brilliant insight that the users could be allowed to make the world and it could be interesting. I am thankful that LL keeps advancing adding new ways to make our world more beautiful, from Windlight to mesh to materials to whatever comes next, our world evolves and because more beautiful all the time.
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So,Your Dinner Is Ready!

I had to do some last minute shopping at MY ATTIC before it closes, as well as Shoetopia, for the perfect hostess look for my Thanksgiving meal. I also cooked a turkey and made a huge meal, so I hope you come over and eat.

I’ll never finish this giant bird alone! Continue reading