Author Archives: Olela

About Olela

I'm Italian, I love cats.'s purple!!! :)


Hello, cherry blossoms 🙂

I hope this lovely Springness put a smile on your face, not that we need the Spring season to smile, but heeeeey it might help 😀

This month’s theme for CHIC Limited event is……..guess……..”Cherry Blossoms” (!!!) and here I’m going to show you the amazing newest release from Miamai:

Sakura Revealed

Sakura Revealed, from the BlackLabel Collection, a tribute to the delicate beauty of the Sakura flower.

Sakura Revealed 2

It’s a gorgeous sculpted dress decorated with cherry flowers on chest, skirt and head (yes, there’s also a headpiece!) and absolutely sweet petals that add the final touch to this piece of art.
I also love the color of the dress and the flexy part of the skirt, which is perfectly jagged.

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Don't you just love Spring Sales???


As you shopping maniacs might have noticed, on SL Spring brings lots of sales and fashion events, I wish this could happen in RL too^^  Anyway, like a crazy bee attracted to the tastier pollen ever, I’ve been floating around some of my fav stores that are having sales these days and I got such cuuuuute stuff at such gooood prices that I can’t help but suggest you to take advantage of these sales too.

Here’s part of the items I purchased:

Lemme pose

The lovely hair is from, I love the way the loose ponytail rests on the shoulder, it looks so realistic. The dress is from Kyoot, it’s being sold in different textures, I chose this one ‘cause I find it really sweet and springy at the same time 🙂   The Spring sale at Kyoot should be over now, check anyway or buy anyway…heheheh.

Get it?

These boots from COCO are all over the feeds, it’s the first item I obviously purchased at The Dressing Room which is celebrating its first anniversary, and I matched them with the awesome hoodie from Grixdale, the jean mini-skirt from Berries Inc. and the top from Kyoot. Interesting outfit, don’t you think so? 😛
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Wanna UNDress?

Hello, people! I’m so glad to be here and i want to thank Cajsa and Gidge for giving me the chance to be part of the team, i love IOF since….forever! Thank youuuu, girls 🙂

Let’s see what i have to “offer” 😀

I’m a big fan of Jojo Runo, i consider her creations real little pieces of art. They make me wonder and think and dream. What i’m going to show you is not a new release, it’s a RunoRuno’s item i bought some time ago that i always wanted to blog and i have no clue why i haven’t done it yet. So, looking for something special for my first post on here, i thought it was finally the time to talk about the beauty of “UNDress” .

UNDRess me

UNDress is a dress made of 3 different outfits (cocktail, dinner, evening) that you can choose to wear separately or by mix matching them, as i’m showing you in these pictures where i’m wearing part of the dinner dress and part of the evening dress.


The textures look definitely realistic, that raw fabric makes me want to touch the skirt and grab it and smell it, I want to play with all those buckles that reveal the essence of the dress, they definitely make the dress.

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