Author Archives: Cajsa Lilliehook

About Cajsa Lilliehook

Santino Rice's little ditty "It's only fashion" seems a perfect title for my little fashion blog as you and i know that fashion means the world to him. Co-founder of It's Only Fashion and Blogging Second Life.

Joining the Hair Fair Demo Group Will Make You a Happy Shopper

Hair Fair 2017

The biggest hair even of the year starts this Saturday when the gates open for Hair Fair 2017.

Demos will be sent out in the Demo group on the Friday, June 30th. You will be able to try all the Hair Fair styles before the event opens, so that you do not have to deal with lag of trying styles on at the event.

Demo Parties have become a Hair Fair tradition. Gather your friends, grab the demos, and try them on in sync. One, two, three…Demo!!! There’s even a drinking game, first to rez, passes out a cocktail to everyone else…but make sure it’s a virtual cocktail so you don’t pass out before you’ve tried on everything.

How do you join the group? Copy and paste the the following into local chat in Second Life and join the Hair Fair DEMO Group: second life:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about

his is a FREE group. Here’s the thing to know about Hair Fair, there is not one single group of any kind that costs you to join.  They send notices in the Hair Fair DEMO Group and the Subscribomatic owned by HairFairSL Core or Sasy Scarborough ONLY.

Okay, for the not so fun stuff. Because Hair Fair is such a successful event, some people try to take advantage by pretending to be part of Hair Fair, creating pseudo groups they charge to join. They are scams.  If someone invites you to join a group with Hair Fair in the name that is not free, it is a scam. There are no gift cards, reduced prices cards, or anything that suggests some kind of deal at the event. If you are sent any such item, decline and abuse report. 

See you on Saturday and onwards at Hair Fair 2017 where all purchases will donate a percentage to Wigs for Kids.

Eponymous Me & Cockfosters

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

So, I was considering what to wear on this subway. I really didn’t want anything ridiculous revealing. Something I would hope not be accosted in is what I was thinking. I remembered this gorgeous dress Cecelia Petion had posted on Plurk, so I unpacked the Poppy blogger box for June and saw the box inside had a dress named Cajsa. OMG! What could this be? Then when I unpacked it, it was the dress I remembered from Plurk…I just about did handstands. I would have if I had an animation handy. This struck me as the apotheosis of Second Life serendipity. They way things just fall into place.

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Here and Gone

Here and Gone

I am usually ambivalent about jumpsuits. In my first life, I think they are annoying. They are not particularly flattering and seriously, who wants to almost completely undress every time they go to the restroom? But we don’t pee in SL, so bodysuits are not so ridiculous here.

And when the body suit is this beautifully architectural, then all of a sudden I am down with bodysuits.
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One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

One could do worse than be a swinger of birches Narcissi has released a perfect summer outfit at Vintage Fair. These shorts and tops come in two sets, pastels and brights. The pastel shorts set also has several gorgeous prints, fun vintage prints.

One could do worse than be a swinger of birches I took to the trees because I was doing a book review of a book called The Solace of Trees that I reviewed on my book blog and on YouTube. It’s about refugees and it is timely, important, and not terribly well done.  Continue reading

The Age of Myth

The Age of MythWhile I don’t role play it is fun to dress up. I had a good excuse because I wanted to review Age of Myth, this book I read that I really loved. There were some outfits at The Arcade that were perfect so the timing was perfect.

Age of Myth is a fantasy novel, the first of five in a new series by Michael J. Sullivan. I reviewed this book on my blog HERE.
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Collabor88 Fashions & Book Reviews Too

In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth

I spent the afternoon at The Trace Too, using all the seating there for my poses. I hopped on scooter and a bench that were on-site. I went there to make a video blog about a book I had just finished reading.

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Unnatural Habits: A Second Life Book Review Blog

I have been reviewing books for more than a year and got this crazy idea last night that I might try video blogging my reviews from Second Life. This is a review of Unnatural Habits by Kerry Greenwood. It comes out July 4th. You can also read the review on my book blog. The book I reviewed takes place in 1929, so I dressed the part.

Clothing: Donna Flora GRIMILDE
Shoes: Ingenue :: Pickford Heels :: Plum
Jewelry: DONNA FLORA DENISE necklace
Skin: Glam Affair Clara Applier America
Hair: Vanity Hair:Timeless-Greedy
Appliers: Glam Affair Clara Applier America
Mesh Attachments: .LeLutka.Eyes.Chloe 2.7
.LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.7
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2.5
Slink Hands – Dynamic – Female L (anims) V1.1
HUDS: Slink Ankle Lock
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands and Feet Utilities HUD Deluxe V2
AnyPose Expression HUD v1.0 – Wear Me
Location: (Milk Motion) L’orangerie – RARE
(Milk Motion) l’orangerie – wall panel 1 – L
(Milk Motion) l’orangerie – wall panel 1 – R
22769 – Amphore with Boxtree White – COMMON
The Loft – Soft & Subtle [Arcade] – Side Table
The Loft – Soft & Subtle [Arcade] – TieredCandle
The Loft – Soft & Subtle [Arcade] – Retro Telephone
22.erratic / aea – tea lavender
The Loft – Soft & Subtle [Arcade] – Chaise – RARE
The Loft – Soft & Subtle [Arcade] – Ruffled Pillow
Mesh Nation 1 vertical book – shadowmapped

Colors at The Arcade & Collabor88

“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”

My mother was a believe in dressing to feel better. If you feel sick, wear a dress and fix your hair. If you feel blah, wear something bright. I had an annoying headache and felt so dreary yesterday, I knew I needed some brightness, so I put on the white-white-white high-waisted long-bottomed pants from Pixicats at Collabor88. I also added a top from HUCCI in lovely jewel tones and neutrals. Kandinsky once said, “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” I don’t know if that is true, but I know it can give your mood a big pop.

I decided to introduce you to Toodles XXXIII. My brother has had a chihuahua for a pet for most of his adult life. Just one, always named Toodles. Toodles, ToodlesII, ToodlesIII. I am not sure what iteration of Toodles exists now, but I went for XXXIII to be sure I did not tread on any Toodles’ memory.
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Second Life Photos: What I Like #15

A Short Film About Long Things

A Short Film About Long Things by Whiskey Monday

I like A Short Film About Long Things by Whiskey Monday. It defies gravity and our expectations. I also think it sold more HPMD grass than all their marketing combined. It’s a play on perspective challenging our expectations which is what art should do. Ernst Gombrich said, “Art is an institution to which we turn when we want to feel a shock of surprise. We feel this want because we sense that it is good for us once in a while to receive a healthy jolt. Otherwise we would so easily get stuck in a rut and could no longer adapt to the new demands that life is apt to make on us. The biological function of art, in other words, is that of a rehearsal, a training in mental gymnastics which increases our tolerance of the unexpected.”

Well, that’s what Whiskey is doing, increasing our tolerance of the unexpected. In terms of composition, you can see the light pole follows the Rule of Fifths, the line from Whiskey to the bird and the edge of the grass follows the Rule of Thirds, and the subject follows the Golden Ratio.

When I was six years old I broke my leg. I was running from my brother and his friends. Tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass as I rolled down. I know I've grown... I can't wait to go home.

When I Was Six Years Old by Chel Glitter.

I like When I Was Six Years Old by Chel Glitter. Here is a delightful story-telling photo from Chel Glitter. I enjoy her photostream for all the stories she gives us in story. This one just made me grin…but you should click through for the whole story.

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Fabsolutely Fun Fashion

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

Anemysk Kara just showed this blouse she is releasing at Vintage Fair and I just fell in love with its fabstract design. I love the combination of old-fashioned and hyper-modern. The front and the sleeves are so very traditional, then it’s cropped and has an open back. From front to back is a two hundred time travel jump and a brilliant play on form. It’s sold in three packs: plain (vibrant, saturated colors), patterns (prints and florals), and silk (pastels).

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

I combined it with a fun, cheeky belted skirt from Baiastice which you can find at Collabor88. Frankly, I was so indecisive, I could see the top with pencil skirts, cigarette pants, a mini-skirt, high-waisted bell bottoms, or just about anything. The slim silhouette of a pencil skirt of cigarette pant would be sophisticated, but I thought this cheeky option would be fabsolutely fashion fun.

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

I shot my pictures at One Tree Hill, a Linden Endowment of the Arts sim. It’s probably based on the show I have never watched, but I loved the nostalgia of the sim.
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