Monthly Archives: February 2014

Standing on the shores of the cosmic ocean


The theme for Collabor88 this month is Supernova with a cosmic rainbow of brilliant colors at home in any nebula you care to park your starship. Milk Motion delivers a cosmic jacket paired with brilliant tuxedo pants at home in any galaxy.

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Like a comet, burning bright and fast


What makes someone a style icon? It’s not simply beauty or looking chic. There are hundreds of beautiful, well-dressed personalities who will never become a style icon. On the other hand, there is the somewhat louche Vali Myers, the bohemian artist and dancer. Not a conventional beauty, her artful dishabille and raw elegance inspired no less than four collections in Fall 2013, from MiuMiu and Prada to Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton.


Monica Outlander was also inspired by Vali Myers. The connection makes sense. I can see Myers influence in Outlander’s own artwork. You can see an example of Momo’s art in the background of this vendor here. You can see some of Myers work here. This top and pants are called Vali in Myers honor and convey the elegantly undone bohemian aesthetic that is Myers iconic contribution to style.
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Intergalactic …Planetary…Planetary…Intergalatic

I have to commend COLLABOR88. They resisted the temptation and didn’t drive the grid mad with pink hearts even though February is traditionally pink heart overload in SL. I love the pink hearts, don’t get me wrong. But when even I begin to find it tiresome, you know it’s being over done for sure.

I love the hair pin that is the solar system, from UFO. They have some of the cutest packaging on the grid.

I am also trying out three new things today.

1. Mia Snow released a new skin – for 1L as an intro to a new skin line. It’s very pretty. And hey 1L.  Mia was super sweet and has named her skin with the brand MIA14  to help you keep your inventory straight – I think that’s great. Very thoughtful!

2. It didn’t come with eyebrows – or not discernible ones. My friend Lourdes directed me to Soiree on MP and I demo’d all of their tattoo layer brows before settling on Viviane. I have to say I liked them ALL but they weren’t quite GIDGE.

3. I am also finally dorking around with the MonCheri mesh eyelashes Cajsa got me. They’re pretty cool. I fit these to work with style 2 – I thought 1 and 3 were more dramatic and overwrought than I was looking for.  You can choose from various colors, tipped lashes etc for a lot of variety plus one that’s tintable.  You can select upper only, bottom only or both.Nifty.

LaRoo released an adorabe set of heels for us girls who need to make sure we’re always ready to stab your eye out with our shoes.  As always they come in a myriad of colors with tons and tons of pedicures for your cute little toes!

There wasn’t a color match avail for this MIASNOW skin however, I dorked around and got it matched really easily on my own. YAY ME!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Gidge Is Wearing:
Manicure: [ PXL ] Manicure – Black RedFrench
Dress: ::{u.f.o}::supernova suspender dress COLLABOR88
Brows: Soiree – Vivian Brows #Light Blonde
Shoes: (LaRoo) Medusa Pumps (Fatpack)
Lashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash – Lower (add)
*MC* "Falsies" Eyelash – Upper (add)
Hair Band Planets: ::{u.f.o}::planet planet hairpin
Earrings: Bliensen + MaiTai – Anemone Black Earring
Hair: Clawtooth: Lady Stardust – Snow COLLABOR88
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: MIA14 … Pale} EMBER TREND
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Periwinkle (M)

Lake Woebegon


Growing up in Minnesota, it’s natural that I love to listen to a Prairie Home Companion. I always found so much that resonated with me in the stories of Lake Woebegon. I grew up in an even smaller village. We had only one business in our town, “the” resort. I just realized I have absolutely no idea what the real name of the resort was or is. It was just THE resort. There were a dozen little cabins and the cafe where you could buy hot dogs, fries and earthworms, as you do.

I have been feeling a bit woebegone myself and tuned in on the web and enjoyed listening to this song, a plaint about the cold to the traditional spriritual “”Down to the River”. It made me laugh and happy to be living in Oregon.

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Chinese New Year And Mnemonic Device

Gogo and my IMs read like those text message commercials with James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell.
“Have you been to Fameshed?”

“No. Not yet. I dunno if I am gonna go.”

“Me too, but I wanna go out. We should go.”

“I dunno. I’m tired. But I might go. Or I might go somewhere else.”

“I wanna go somewhere. Maybe.”

And on and on like that. Sometimes we’ll have entire conversations on how tired we are of the trend of everything being brown. (Look around, it’s a thing. Suddenly everything is dark and brown at some events.)

Anyway, in the course of this conversation, the event CHINESE NEW YEAR came up. We both agreed that the Chinese boxes of awesome made by LARK were must have, and so even though she was dithering about going out I headed over there.  The original landmark seemed to have landed me in a pit. From the sky, where I ended up, it seemed like there was a tunnel leading to the event, or a walkway or something, but where I LANDED it was some sort of poofing rendering hell where not only could I not see, I was disoriented and unhappy. Plus, there was no shopping there.  Continue reading

Back to LEA29


I headed back to LEA29 to see the completed art exhibit by FreeWee Ling before it disappears. You should go quickly. Set your graphics to high with the shadows turned to Sun, Moon & Projectors – as most of the exhibit is an exploration of projectors and the light and shadows they cast.


While I focused on the black and white elements, there is a lot of color in the installation – particularly from light projectors.

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Settled in For The Morning

I forgot I had this COZY chair from and decided it was just the touch my bedroom needed. It’s a great piece for snuggling and unwinding when you don’t feel like heading out into your pixel life. It comes with three different blanket snuggling animations, as well and some regular sits too.

I saw this adorable wall decor from a brand called FOLLOW US on Marketplace.  It’s a little primmy because it’s sculpts but it’s cute. I do wish she’d release in mesh though, because I will end up replacing it pretty soon just due to the prims. However, it’s super inexpensive and great props for photoshoots. Continue reading