Through the skins we choose we define who we are. Or, who we are on that day. When I joined the Grid four years ago I had two skins which I wore for over a year.
Thankfully, those days are over and now we’re chameleons who change our colors like we change our minds. Just like in real life, we can paint on a different face to show you the version of beautiful we want to be today.
I thought I’d kick off with a boutique skin from IDIOSYNCRASY which is owned by Ashia Tomsen.
Ashia is a long time resident of the grid as well and one of the loveliest people I’ve ever interacted with. She’s released ELLA for the skin fair so I thought I’d share with you some of the beautiful makeup options available to personalize this release to your taste.
First – the NON traditional looks I love!
I think the version that looks like lizard or cracked stone – on the right……… so compelling. I can’t figure out what I reminds me of but I love it.
The skins are classically beautiful down to the oh so carefully plucked eyebrows.
They have light and dark brows to suit your taste.
This skin and so many more (all of which will be coming to a fashion feed near you) are available at this year’s Vanity Universe SKIN FAIR!
- Shape – Savoir Faire – Gidge
- Skin – Idiosyncrasy – Ella – Skin Fair Release with various Makeups – PALE tone
- Eyelashes – Amacci – Tattoo Layer Lash 6
- Lingerie – Baiastice – Sophistik in lilac
- Hair – EXILE – Lacy in Pearl. I think. I forget which color. You’ve met me right?
- Nails – Sn@tch – Nail Candy Pale Purple
- Nip Shot – That’s a Freebie
What a beautiful post! Thank you so much Gidge, I’m very honoured to be in your blog <3