This outfit actually highlights the work of two people whom I have known since my early days in SL two years ago who have struck out in new directions since then. The dress is made by Shinichi Mathy who was one of Maht’s first clients when we opened MDR in November 2007 – nearly two years ago. Back then he was modeling as was his business partner Jeckie Hax who was another of Maht’s clients. Now they own Shiki Designs and this dress is one of their stellar designs. The skin is from Kira Paderborn whom I met two years ago as well after I was told I had a terrible shape. I felt discouraged, but Kira whipped me into shape (literally) in nothing flat. Her business, Shapes by Kira, is one of the most respected shape stores on the grid and is very popular. Now she is making skins and this is her second skin, called Eva and it’s just luscious. It’s great to see folks moving in new directions and developing such great skins and showing so much creativity. Now let me pull up my rocker so I can rock and say “I knew them when…”
These shoes from AW Design just rock with the Topaz Cocktail Dress from Shiki Designs. Now, I am not sure I would wear this for a cocktail party. The color is rich enough and the design is glam enough, but the fabric says daywear to me. And that’s why I really love it. This is just a fabulous wool dress and there are far too few wool dresses.
Here you see the jewelry up a little closer. The earrings are a Jewelry Expo gift from Bliensen & Maitai. The bangles come from AC Creations and Zaara. The hair is a new updo called Rose from Truth. It comes with roses to adorn the hair but I left them off.
There’s nothing like a good close up to appreciate a well made skin. There’s many makeups and the shades are very contemporary – or very retro pop. The 70s are back again so we have pale lips, bright pink lips and coral lips and those are the colors she offers…so if you want to look very pop or completely contemporary, these makeups work perfectly. You can see this release at the Skin/Shape Expo.
****STYLE NOTES******
Promotional Copies are denoted by a Bold R
- Poses: Lost Angel
- Skin: Skins by Kira! Eva Sunkissed R
- Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
- Lashes: Lelutka Diva Prim Lashes
- Hair: Truth Rose
- Dress: Shiki Cocktail Dress Topaz
- Shoes: AW Design Sugar ‘n Spice
- Jewelry: Bliensen & MaiTai Expo Gift Vintage Earrings R, Aphrodite Creations Cubeness R Bracelet Teal, Zaara Sadaf PAua Bangles R
Awwwww…Cajsa! Thank you so much for the nice words and the gorgeous pictures! The outfit is fantastic. You were one of my first customs after I started Shapes by Kira. And your shape didn’t need a whole lot of tweaking….you were always cute.
Congrats on your new business too! Hope it works well for you. *hugs*
Casja! It’s been so long! I truly wish you guys still ran the photo studio though. You guys did an awesome job.
It was so great seeing your store and chatting with Jeckie. The clothes are awesome!!! I told Maht what you were up to and he was so pleased. However, you will have to check out MDR’s current photographers Arcadia and Rhodesy. They are awesome.
You are being kind!!