posted by Gidge Uriza
I turned into Cajsa the other night when working on putting together an outfit and realized that I thought that this black party dress from POSH needed a different skirt.
There was nothing WRONG with the skirt that came with it, it’s a really cute gift that was out in the store. But it’s so much fun to pull outfits apart and put them back together in different ways – creating something new.

Stop Lookin' At Mah Bum, Ya Bum Looker!
The need for a different skirt was all about my mood and the EVERYTHING skirt from Pixel Dolls (which I got at her big sale and is probably there so RUN don’t walk) was the fun clubby look I wanted – vs. the cocktail style of the original dress.
The dress comes with bangles which I’ve included but then I dropped my Paper Couture Faceted Black Diamond for a little over the top costume jewelry feel.
Faceted Black Diamonds – We call that COAL don’t we?
This is my beautiful custom skin from SODA skin which I still love. Muwah, want a kiss?
style notes
***No Review Items Worn, Suckaz***
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape
- Skin – Soda Custom Skin
- Hair- Truth – Sandy – Seaspray
- Top – Posh – Black party Dress (top only)
- Skirt – Pixel Dolls – Everything Skirt (from the 10L sale)
- Shoes – Digit Darkes – Midnight Ball
- Necklace – Paper Couture