The Relay For Life Fashion Expo is in its fifth day and having visted three times, I can attest that it’s been a pleasant and lag-free experience everytime. Excitement around this expo seems subdued and perhaps that is due to a surfeit of fashion events and celebrations. However, that should not discourage anyone from going to this event for several reasons. Foremost, there are many special creations on sale that benefit the search for cancer treatments. Secondly, many designers respond to the challenge of creating some limited edition item for sale at these expose with some of their best work. Third, you should go just to see the magnificent one-of-a-kind designs that will be auctioned off to raise even more money for cancer research. Fourth, if you love purple – RFL is a purple fest. Now the dress I am wearing is Baiastice special edition RFL dress. The jewelry is EarthStone special RFL set.
I added these shoes from Armidi – the Vidalia FuiFui pumps. They were the very first thing I ever bought at Armidi lo those many months ago and they still are a wonderful go-to shoe for so many dresses. The Baiastice dress is a lovely taffeta with roses and ruffles and all-out femininity. I did have to reattach the collar on the spine – rather than on the chest as she had assigned it so I could wear a necklace.
The stunning necklace and earrings are from EarthStones. I wonder if I even need to say that since Abraxxa Anatine’s jewelry has such a strong aesthetic that it’s instantly recognizable. In daily wear, the necklace acturally rides slightly higher, I pulled it down a bit to make it look better with the collar. The lovely romantic tousled updo is from Cake and called AfterGlow.

Tuli's Hope Skin
***STYLE NOTES******
Promotional Copies are denoted by a Bold R
- Poses: Long Awkward Pose
- Skin: Tuli Hope Blush
- Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
- Lashes: Lelutka Diva Prim Lashes
- Hair: CAKE AfterGlow
- Dress: Baiastice Bitter Sweet Lilac
- Shoes: Armidi Vidalia Pump FuiFui Magi
- Jewelry: EarthStones RFL Karuka Earring/Necklace