posted by Gidge Uriza
I asked that on Plurk, and got the response “Well their Alts might.” which made me chortle.
Okay, so this one is for your ALT.
The fine people from Mer-Elf sent me this Gorean Free Woman gown, and here is what I’ve learned, regarding the role play of a Gorean Free Woman. She hides behind this elaborate veil and headpiece because YOU DON’T DESERVE TO SEE HER BEAUTY. You filth. 🙂
I’m not all that plugged into the role play, however so let’s just look at the dress.

No headpiece or veil, but wearing the cloak.
This dress has about 100 options or more, with all the variations of sleeve length and style of skirt etc. I think that is probably very practical for a role play that demands different fashion styles for public vs. private gatherings, just some quick clicks and you are set for whichever place you are.

With the long sleeves and the modesty panel on the chest.
As a gown alone, it’s a seriously complicated construction and the details are beautiful. So if you aren’t going to Gor, but want a great big formal gown this is also a great choice. Just don’t wear the veil!

With the Short Gold Sleeves and no modesty panel on chest.
This hair is no longer available, I bought it when God was a Boy from Diversity Hair, it is called Lily. I have no idea what Gorean FreeWomen wear for their hair.
Fashion Details
Review items noted with an R
- Shape Gidge Custom Shape
- Skin – Fleur – Allure Ivory Lounge “R”
- Hair – Diversity Hair – Lily – Champagne Fizz
- Costume – MER-ELF Creations – SOLAR RED “R”
Actually, an upswept do would have been de rigeur for a Free Woman. I used to roleplay one for a while; pity I never came across that creator while doing so, as the gown looks quite gorgeous.
Good to know! 🙂