I love Urban Bomb Unit’s PornStar Xtra HiTops. You can customize them to be dirty or shiny new, they can be up or folded down, you can change the fabric and the colors of the individual pieces including the laces and grommets. So, instead of one pair or two pair, with all the options, you really have eleventy-million pairs of shoes. And not just shoes, fun shoes that make you happy, that put a spring in your step and make you wanna dance
It all started with a trip to Reale. I saw this delightfully playful crocheted dress. It’s so much fun to wear crocheted clothes in Second Life® because they never catch on a sliver on the bench at the bus stop. Your bell sleeves never pick up paper clips and carry them around for an hour. The flowers keep their shape and stay fluffed out and full of body, not folding over so the top of the flower covers the bottom. Seriously, clothing care and maintenance in Second Life is a delight, though I have thought about opening a dry cleaners.
Reale’s Hippongo dress comes in green, brown, beige and purple. This green version has wonderful yellow flowers and an adorable hoodie. In this photo particularly, you can see how easily the prim attachments flow into the system clothing – can you even tell that the bells of the sleeves are prims? Certainly not because of any color shifts. The texturing and fitting of the prims are amazing. The sculptie hood fits as though it were custom made.
With the outfit I am wearing UmeMode’s marbel ball necklace and sunflower earrings that were still a freebie at Cynthetic as of last night when I double checked.
Photography by Cajsa Lilliehook MDR Photo Studio
****STYLE NOTES******
- Skin: SLink Isabelle Make 5 Fair
- Eyes: IC-Eyes Soulful Hazel
- Lashes: CyberNetic
- Nails:Skin Deep
- Hair: Muism Mandy
- Dress: Reale Hippongo Green
- Shoes: UBU PornStar Xtra Hi-Tops
- Necklace: UMeMode Marbel Ball Necklace
- Earrings: Cynthetic Sunflower Earrings (Freebie)
I see London I see France……..
lol, do you know how long it took to aim the camera to make sure you did not see London and France?