posted by Gidge Uriza
I received a big old box o’ hair from House of Heart the other day, and while strapped to my dressing stand trying it on, Miffy popped over to see what I was up to and to tell me she had some new releases. When I got to Jordan (shown) she said “Here, model this with that one” and passed me the newest release at Don’t Ask..the fur trimmed pantsuit and shoes.
The coffee bean color hair was an easy choice to go with this outfit. This is one of my favorite designs of Miffy’s, it reminds me a mafia wife who bought couture. It’s fun and no pixel animals were harmed in the making of this fur.
And since I decided to wear Miffy today, I thought I’d show the love to one of my other house designers (Don’t Ask is my place) Hatchy Mills who has created a great line of skins, both Eloh mashups AND hand drawn. I wanted one with some COLOR – I thought anyone who would wear this outfit wouldn’t skimp on their eyeshadow and lip gloss. Kimmy with Make-up #2 filled the bill.
And if you are wondering – YES – the force IS with my umbrella. Actually, I found it in my inventory, it’s listed as a “Blade Runer Umbrella” and yes it does look like the kind from the movie. I wonder where I got it, and I also wonder if I met Rick Deckard would he think I was just another skin-job?
Sorry letting out my inner geek.
Click here to see the rest of the underground station shoot – and to see more of the skin
Fashion Details
Shape – Gidge custom shape by Hatchy Mills
Skin – Kimmy Make-up 2 from Don’t Ask
Hair – House of Heart Jordan in coffee bean
Pantsuit – Fur Trimmed pantsuit
Shoes – Fur trimmed shoes
Nails – Dark Purple Nails from Love Soul
Umbrella – Blade Runner umbrella