posted by Gidge Uriza
Too often costumes aren’t treated as fashion, and that’s a shame because a lot of hard work can go into creating a good one. And you certainly shop for a costume with the same eye for style and beauty that you might use when looking for a formal gown. In short, even in costume, you don’t want to look bad.
Picking out a fairy costume when I was modeling for a retail logo was easy – I flitted over to Butterfly Island where Andromeda Raine keeps some of my favorite fantasy fairy wear. I don’t Role Play in SL but I’m partial to a fun fairy costume as my friends know.
Looking like my father might’ve been part arboreal (I’d say Dryad but can there be boy dryads? I have no clue) and my mother a proper fairy, this costume from Coconut Ice grows delicate wisteria at the tips of its branch-like wings. Clothed in leaves and flower petals, it’s a wispy costume that I adore. I need to find a new occasion to wear it.
If you’re not familiar with Coconut Ice or the goodness to be found on Butterfly Island, there is a lovely interview with Andromeda posted here. I think I may own every article of clothing mentioned in the article. You can visit her shop OR also find her lovelies on Onrez. I highly recommend her freebie, and always take my noob friends around to get it. I still get mileage for my casual days out of her freebies, even now.
Fashion Details
Skin – Alabaster – Ruby from FNKY!
Eyes – Purple Rain – from FNKY!
Hair – Europa – in Pecan – from FNKY!
Costume – Summer Faerie – Wisteria – from Coconut Ice
Leg Knife – Ravenswear
Necklace – Emerald Dragonfly – from RICX