Tag Archives: wigwambam

Mi Mi Mi – A Dress About Miiiiii (ok not but sort of)

posted by Gidge Uriza

While I didn’t get this in time for me “All About Me” post it definitely has the right stuff – a screen print image of the ultimate Brigitte – BARDOT!

This fun summer dress from WIG WAM BAM! is one of several cute dresses with silly screen prints but all also come with a plain skirt option. Continue reading

Who's a Groovy Girl?

posted by Gidge Uriza

This is my only mystery hair from the Hair Fair. I shot this a while back, and then forgot it’s name. I spent days hunting for it – looking through all Cajsa’s pics and I just couldn’t figure it out! WHAT IS IT I shrieked to the heavans. No one answered. And then searching in my inventory last night I found it – it was a FREEBIE at the Hair Fair from Groovy Girl! Continue reading

You Had Me At Skittlepop Princess

posted by Gidge Uriza

Helena Stringer of the Stringer Mausoleum clearly knew that while I MIGHT be able to pass up Skittles, that skittles + princess + purple hair would end up being irresistible to me.  It was a must buy for me the second I saw it a preview of it and frankly I had FORGOTTEN it though- until I ran into it at the Hair Fair.

WOOOHOOO…….Purple Hair with Candy in it. Color me delighted. Continue reading