Tag Archives: We <3 Role Play

The Hydrangea God Surveys His Minions


From the bottom of the garden, enthroned in his earthenware pot,
the hydrangea god surveys his minions— Rosanna Warren (listen here)

Who does not love hydrangeas? They blossom with such abundance and generosity, their palette of colors at once delicate and wild. Oregon is awash in hydrangeas and their leaves are budding now. I thought I had seen every color of hydrangea until I saw this gown from Gizza with the black umbels of hydrangea. Now I know all about adding or subtracting aluminum phosphate to make soil more or less acidic or alkali to change hydrangea color, but how did they get black. I turned to Professor Google and learned they simply paint the umbels. However, the effort pays off with a gorgeous drape of hydrangeas for the neck and headpiece that accompany this gorgeous gown.
Serendipity shows her face again. These bracers from MiaMai for We <3 Role Play were in the same grouping of notices waiting for me when I logged in. They were sent with a few hours of each other. Now some might thing they are rough-hewn in contrast to the delicacy of the dress, but contrasts between hard and soft can be exciting and the silver petals on the braces are reminiscent of the hydrangea petals.

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