Tag Archives: Little Village

Bacteria Free Second Life

0404_003A cold has been kicking my butt for six weeks now. I think it is almost gone and BAM! it’s back stronger than ever. That makes me so grateful for the relatively bacteria-free world of Second Life. You can get a cold in Second Life, but you have to buy it and you can take it off the minute you are sick of sneezing. I was sick of sneezing about a month ago and would love to detach that gesture right this minute.

Meanwhile, the lovely cardigan dress from Gizza is keeping me warm. I added the pencil skirt from League because the dress was a tad short for my taste. The dress comes with a HUD that allows you to change both the dress and the cardigan with three options each. Gizza made this dress in 4 iterations, floral, boho, hippie and solids and each and every one is irresistible.  Continue reading