Tag Archives: LeLutKa

Great Minds Thinking Alike

All the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911. Lewis BlackGidge is my favorite person in Second Life and among my favorites in my first life, too. So, it’s no surprise we sometimes think alike and dress alike. Our mutual love for this dress from Nylon Outfitters was unplanned, but you know, I thought about reshooting with a different color, but I changed my mind. I like the black one best, and really, it’s a case of great minds thinking alike. By the way, if you like this dress, get yourself over to Collabor88 now because it’s the last day.

All the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911. Lewis BlackI don’t like candy corn, but these critters crack me up. One of my favorite items from The Arcade this month. It’s amazing how they with their simplistic form still manage to express emotions. There’s some popcorn for all the drama from Lost Junction and a fun plastic table and stools from PLAAKA – all at The Arcade.

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Death, Sex and Noodles

I knew exactly what aesthetic I was seeking when I went looking for a place to shoot yesterday. But then I got caught up in search and this place had “sex and death” in the description and I couldn’t resist.

I don’t know what I anticipated finding, but noodle shops and what seems to be a toy store of sorts wasn’t it. Continue reading

I Love Summer

Good afternoon girls, how’s your Friday going? I’ve got some shopping to do it looks like, but I wanted to hop in and remind all of you that everyone’s favorite monthly event COLLABOR88 is still happening. I know I know, our beloved Arcade is kicked off and I’m just as excited as you – really the cross over of those two events quarterly is a bit like shopping nirvana but, end of the month at Collabor88 is BLISS. Continue reading

If I Waited

The Great Gatsby declared that No Sir, the right girl wouldn’t wait at all. She’d move on, it seems. She wouldn’t wait for your dumb ass to catch up with her, or get in sync. She’d never wait for someone who didn’t pull into her lane and come along.

There may be wisdom in that, but there’s heartbreak too. Gatsby then spends his life chasing Daisy and we all know where that lead him.

Personally I did end up having to wait a few days for my typist to show back up but then I was put in mind to wonder what else I’ve been waiting on. Beginnings or endings? Which is it?

It doesn’t matter, because time continues to roll and I’m going with it, it seems.

I’m decked out in some goodies you can still pick up at Collabor88 this month, which is perfect because you need them and this event is, as always, chocked full of goodness. But don’t wait on this one.

After all, the right girl wouldn’t wait for anyone.

Gidge is Wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.0
Hair: Exile:: No Promises (Bento) – COLLABOR88
Skin: Glam Affair – Bianca ( LeLutka Applier ) America
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Bodysuit: [Maitreya]The Secret Store – Nova Bodysuit – Cyborg COLLABOR88
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento
Bed: Hive – The comfy Bed – Collabor88

Plastic Fantastic

Plastic FantasticSince the JustBecause pants and the Moon Amore top are both color change, this outfit has about eleventy million options.
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Fashion Cannot Be Eclipsed

Fashion Will Not Be Eclipsed

Collabor88’s theme for its August Birthday celebration is Plastic Fantastic. In my first life, I would not be caught dead wearing plastic, but this is not first life. Here I don’t have to worry about whether fabrics breathe and my avatar does not sweat, so there are no fetid swamps of trapped and suffocating skin. Instead, we have the bright, shiny flash of plastic. I like the dress from Baiastice that takes advantage of plastics best qualities to give us that flirty hem and gleaming sheen.
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You Can’t Be Both New And Improved

My friend Sands made some new stuff that I decided to slip into tonight. It’s always weird when your male friends make lingerie but not nearly as weird as when your friends are skinners and you think things like “wow I really like my new vagina well done friend!”

SL is a weird place.  Continue reading

New Heads New You

I am trying out one of the new heads from Lelutka and I’m excited to try the others.  Lelutka remains my favorite head and I’m anxious to familiarize myself with the bells and whistles these new releases have. I’m playing with the moods and I think I’m going to be irked natural spicy.

Spicy makes me laugh. I’m also trying out new makeup from Glam Affair.  Bianca is so pretty, and I love this bold eye make up. Perfect for a Monday kinda day, which it is.

I’ve got a lot playing with new things to do. I’m kind of excited!

This update gives us even more ways to make our heads “us”, which is perfect.

Gidge is Wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.0
Top: =Zenith=lace up tank top (Flower 1) -Maitreya COLLABOR88
Shorts: =Zenith=Summer Short Jeans with Belt (all Colors) -Maitreya Collabor88
Hair: Exile:: Lush Life(Bento) (L)
Skin: Glam Affair – Bianca ( LeLutka Applier ) America
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Bikini Babes of Collabor88

I love summer in SL. Even though summer is actually available to us always and never has to stop, I’ve realized I need to embrace the seasons there and make them special.

Thus – summer joy is upon me when I saw these great bikinis out for the offering at Collabor88 this month. I’ve never been a “bits hanging out girl” despite the appeal that some of those seem too have for SL. I like a bit more tradition and these bikinis fit the bill for me.

Probably my favorite thing is that you can mix up the colors on the bits of them to change your look, coordinate with your hair, whatever suits your fancy. Personally I was in a pink and purple mood today, can you tell?

I’ve been a bit MIA lately because now and again life gets in the way, but here I am, like the bad penny.

I always turn up.

Get over to the July round of Collabor88 and check out what’s new and awesome. You won’t be sorry.

Gidge is Wearing:
Head:..LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.7
.Bikini: …Mutresse… Lilana Swimsuit Bottom Lace COLLABOR88
Other Bikini: Blueberry COLLABOR88
Hair: Exile:: Summer Glow COLLABOR88
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.02 (ADD ME)
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento