Tag Archives: LeLutKa

Shopping and Refrigerator Management

On a Mission

I awoke with one mission, SOLVE this fridge issue. My fridge is ridiculous. I mean I even have more than one but I don’t love most of them. I love the stupid giant one because it’s fun but really, it’s too tall so I needed to find something else.

ALSO, I needed groceries. And a shirt.


Somehow I managed to get a rare Fridge from Ariskea at the Epiphany. I LOVE the lemon yellow print which is it’s THING but I’d have to redo my whole house if I suddenly wanted lemon yellow walls in the house so eh. I’m just thrilled it has a pink option, honestly. How considerate!

I might be decorating early

I confess I also put up some lights that one might construe as Halloween Lights. Perhaps they are just lights of happiness. You don’t know.

Cool breeze from the sea blows in….

I’ve got a good book and a mug of hot chocolate to encourage me to slumber. Is it a perfect Saturday? Entirely possible.

How was your day? I hope it was full of happiness.

Skin: -Belleza- Camilla-

Body: -Belleza- Freya

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Top: .miss chelsea. Bobi Top Freya 

Shorts: Addams // Marisa Doble Lace Short // Belleza(Freya)

Hair: Exile:: Audrey

Eyes: Izzies

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Fridge: Ariskea – from the Epiphany

Basket: Tentacio

Lights/Hot Chocolate – Sways

Giant Refrigerators of Doom

I have a weird assortment of food. 

Did you ever not notice something and then suddenly you’re like WHAT THE EFF ?

That’s me this morning. Why is my refrigerator GIANT? I’ve been a pretty tall pixel girl my whole SLife. I’m not glamazon “I AM A MODEL” tall, but I’m not a shorty.

Yet suddenly I realize I can’t see in to my own freezer! And this is where the ice cream is, so this is a real tragedy.

But where there is a will, there is a way…

Mermaid Ice Cream for Breakfast

I mean, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even if you have to climb up your fridge like a spider monkey to get it!

Gidge Is Wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

.LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Shirt: Addams // Felix Long Sleeves w/ Buttons // Maitreya

Hair: eXxEsS : ELENA (Breeze+Materials)

Ice Cream: Hangry – Mermaid Ice cream – Strawberry

Shorts: Nylon Outfitters

Tube Socks: Nylon Outfitters

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Little Pink and Purple Houses

There’s No Place Like Home

I’m slowly getting settled here on the Gangway and I have to admit, I’m more than a bit tickled to be able to paint my walls and outside of my house at a simple touch. POOF new color. How much does that amaze me? And why hasn’t everyone been doing this with their houses forever? Now make it so I can paint each wall individually and I’ll be happy.

I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around Tuesday things all morning, and then I realized – It’s Wednesday! 

Pink Car, Purple House, Perfect World

Wednesday of course means I should wander and find something new. I hopped in my most perfectly Gidgey car and hit the road. I’ll go find a cafe, grab some coffee and pastry and set off to see what’s out there in the world that’s good today. Sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?

Blue skies, nothing but blue skies….

The Details…

Skin: Pink Fuel
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Dress: CK Call me baby dress MAITREYA
Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3
Hair: Exile:: The Idea of Her
[Con.] The Convertible -HUD- King Pink
Shoes: [Since1975] Eat My Heels -M BerryWafer
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit 2019
Sofa, Chair, coffee table: Cheeky Pea

Living Large on the Gangway

I’m your trashy neighbor, sorry.

Well it happened, with a lot of help and encouragement from my friend Gogolita I managed to get a spot on Bellisaria on the newly opened Gangway. Fate would have it that Cajsa has a houseboat right in front of my house, which is backed by a park behind me and a lovely stretch of road in front. 

It’s a nice little suburban wonderland really. 

SO you know I just had to get all crazy trashy with A GIANT HELLO KITTY SLIDE. It’s not my fault, I had to. At least for a little while

Hair Fair Is Over, Thank Goodness I at least shopped.

Cajsa managed to get off the Hair Fair press releases this year, as I was completely swamped. But I did manage to get over and do my part shopping that awesome event, I picked up several new hairs and felt warm and fuzzy when they were really contributing to Wigs for Kids. Hair Fair is such an amazing event – I hope you went.

Happy Here

This little home may be my home base for a while. Pity my neighbors i’m about to decorate for Halloween!

Gidge Is Wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

Hair: KMH Hair F117 Unrigged (resize)

Eyes: Izzie’s Whiskey Eyes

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Swimsuit: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends (HelloKitty Swimsuit) M

Shoes: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends (Kuromi slippers) M

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Pool: N4RS

Castle Slide, Chair, towel and floatie: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends

Weekend Warrior

How many rings is too many?

Good morning all. I’m slowly getting my morning motivation going. I’ve got to go grocery shopping, maybe see if anything is left from FLF (I forgot to go yesterday ouch), and do some house cleaning. 

I stopped over at the Notice me Senpai event and picked up this cute top in a gacha. It’s a cute event. 

What are your plans for this weekend? I feel like I need to be social. BUT WILL I? Stay tuned…

I’m Wearing It:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Rings: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

(Yummy) Unicorn Rings – Maitryea

Eyes: Izzie’s

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Top:.micamee. Senpai Crop Sweatshirt M.Lara [Exp]

Jeans: Blueberry – Ashberry Jeans – BlueberryBooty – Maitreya

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)

Hair: Exile:: Becca

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Cig: [VIRTUAL/INSANITY] LUCKY STROKE Ciggie (Smoked – Polka Pink)

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019Kitchen: Trompe Loeil

Dear Diary, I Almost Moved

Dear Diary….

Well, I almost moved yesterday. I have toyed with the idea of moving to one of the new Linden homes, I rather like the idea yet –  I’m terribly happy here on my little patch of mainland truly. Living in this snowy land with my friend Putrid as my neighbor is comforting and dozy. I keep the fires blazing and truly, I don’t have complaints.

Yet, I’m intrigued by the neighborhood concept over on Bellisaria.

I have never seen a NEW Linden neighborhood available on the Linden home list, so yesterday in a bit of leisure time I consulted the knowledge base known as Plurk and was assured that I was looking in the right place – that they just don’t show up if they are not available.  I was told to refresh aggressively and that would be my best shot at getting one when one popped up available.

Choices choices choices

I did this a few times, just for grins, when suddenly one popped up. It said to name my land and hit continue and I do confess, in a panic, I DID SO. I didn’t think about whether or not I wanted to move I was just suddenly hit with this moment of “OH NO THIS IS IT THIS IS MY CHANCE!” and hit continue.

Happy Where I Am

And then it said I had to get rid of my current 1024, or have 1024 available or something and well my friends, it was over.

I came home in a state of disappointment until I sat down again in front of my fire, in my wooden shelter surrounded by snowy mountains and I remembered “I like it here.”

My friend Luna Jubilee cam over for waffles and I realized I’m not ready to move house again, not yet.  I don’t need to move to visit and socialize – the grid is one of the few places in the world where distance isn’t a viable hindrance to anything. 

So I’ll stay put. 

I just have to figure out what to wear with these ice cream shoes I got at Gachaland. 

Happy Monday, girls.

Gidge is Wearing: 

Skin: Pink Fuel

Rings: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

(Yummy) Unicorn Rings – Maitryea

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Dress: Alaska Metro – Aimee

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)

Hair: Exile:: Cara 

Eyes: Izzie’s – Whiskey Mesh Eyes 

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Shoes: Since1975 – Eat my Heels

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Cakes and Kittens

Gonna eat this entire cake

I spent my Saturday doing a lot of nothing here in my favorite pixel world when it occurred to me – I should SURELY have a kitten box by now! SURELY! A quick area search revealed that yes indeed, the SL16B Birthday KittyCats had DONE THEIR MAGIC and made me a kitten. I baked a cake while I waited on it to hatch. 

Meet Kiva

I’m a little excited because this is the FIRST special sized KittyCat I’ve ever gotten. I’d love one of those GIANT ones (how nice to snuggle, am I right?) but this one is going to be a toy TINY little one forever it seems. That’s fine – I’m gonna probably toss it in to the inventory bin before long anyway. 

I did a wee bit of shopping earlier, grabbed this apropos tee at e.Marie – had to have it obviously.

Now I’m wondering should i get my pajamas on early and curl up for a movie ? So many choices on this chill Saturday evening. 

This new hair from Exile is so beautifully done. 

Gidge Is Wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Hair: Exile:: Megan

Rings: Amala – The Athena Stacking Rings – Maitreya

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)

Shirt: e.marie // 3/4 Cat Mom Tee – Coral {lara}

Jeans: Emery Hugo Skinny Jeans Rose for Maitreya Body Lara

Shoes: Ingenue :: Dorrit Sandals (Maitreya) :: Fatpack

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Not Your Grandma’s Candystriper

"Summertime is always the best of what might be."
When I see pink and white stripes, I always think of the candystriper volunteers at the local hospital. This is, of course, not anything like a candystriper would wear, not if there was any hope of staying on the job. The blouse and heels were released at the June Uber event. 
"Summertime is always the best of what might be."
The blouse is from Baiastice and comes with the bikini bra and panties and belt that can all be changed by the HUD. 
"Summertime is always the best of what might be."
I chose “One Way or Another” hair from Exile, using the built-in Lelutka hairbase. One of the fun things to do with Exile hair is to look up the song the hair is named for just to see how well it fits. 
"Summertime is always the best of what might be."
These fabulous sandals from Baiastice can be customized with the HUD. The braided vamp could be sheer or opaque and all sorts of colors or patterns. The straps and heels can also be customized. 

Clothing: Baiastice_Luna Shirt Dress-All Colors-Maitreya
Shoes: Baiastice_Braided High Sandals-All Colors-Maitreya
Skin: Glam Affair ( Lelutka Heads ) Kaia Applier [ America ]
Hair: Exile::One Way or Another(L)
Poses: aDorkable
Appliers: Glam Affair ( Lelutka Heads ) Kaia Applier [ America ]
Mesh Attachments:
.LeLutka.Eyes.Spencer 3.3
.LeLutka.Head.Spencer 3.3(static ears)
Maitreya Mesh Body – Bento Hand R V4.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Feet V4.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
HUDS: .LeLutka.HUD.Spencer 3.3
Maitreya Mesh Body – HUD V4.1
Slink Ankle Lock

Big Game Hunter

I spent my Saturday in the wilds of Africa, travelling from savannah to jungle and beyond, in search of lovely places to behold. I wasn’t disappointed.It’s funny how little things can delight in our little pixel world.

Elephants on the march

I slipped around this build in a comfy, breezy gift from Neve – that ever dependable creator of staple items.I was surprised that a gift came with a hud to vary up the print but it did.  That’s just classy and quality. I love creators who give away free gifts that are actually NICE. It says a lot about who they are as a person and a business owner.

These damn monkeys are following me everywhere.

In addition to this breezy summer dress, I’m wearing some perfect slip on Mary Jane’s from Ingenue called Marlo. They are a perfect addition for cute but casual days. 

This is probably supposed to be romantic

Well, I’m not having a romantic gondola ride, but I really did love being my own gondolier on this lovely water tour of the place. I love little gems like this, it was a great way to spend my afternoon. 

Now, I’m going to make a last run at the ARCADE and be at peace with what I didn’t get. What are you up to today?

Gidge Is Wearing:

Head:.LeLutka.Head.May 3.3(static ears)

Skin: Izzie’s

Eyes: Izzie’s

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Hair: Exile:: Torn

Shoes:Ingenue :: Marlo Flats (Maitreya) :: Fatpack

Dress: neve gift – FaMESHed Anniversary 2019 Lara

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Revisiting Old Friends

So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake.
NYU Crossover Slim Tee and Mid Lace Floral Skirt

After my long absence, it has been fun to sort through clothes from old favorites. NYU has always been a favorite of mine. NyuNyu Kimono designs for us residents who don’t want to wear clubwear all the time. She has two stores. This is the older one. This is the newer one. The thing is, there are great clothes at both of them. 

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