Tag Archives: howl

A Solitary Creature

I’ve been a solitary creature for five years. It took adjustment, being alone all the time, finding reasons to stay here on my own. But now I’ve decided to stop being such a solitary creature and I find myself wondering am I even made for this new, more social and engaging side of me. Continue reading

As The Fog Rolls In

I’m settling into my new place and I’ve got something important to remind you, while I lounge around watching the fog come in. The ARCADE is only open ONE MORE FARKING DAY. Ok if you haven’t been yet – IT IS TIME. The machines are still there and they hope to see you soon I’m pretty sure. One more day. Well two days if you count today.

This lovely set from MUDHONEY is part of the offering right now and it’s got some great pieces for comfortable living. I believe firmly in cozy and welcoming decor. I had forgotten MUDHONEY was in this time! OOOPS! Continue reading