Tag Archives: flounce

Rock me Gently

Helena Stringer - IOF - Rock me Gently - 1

I often get comments when I go out, that certain thing I wear seem “out of character”. I’m aware that over the years, I have set a certain persona for my avatar. There are many things that I enjoy in the fashion world, and sometimes these things don’t work with my more dark, supernatural, magical tastes.

That does not mean I choose to stay away from them. I often embrace them, and get a kick out of confusing people, haha.

I do have a love for historical fashion, as well as things considered retro. Genre this round is Rockabilly, mixing the love of the old with something a little bit playful and feisty.

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Les Liasons Dangereuses

One of my favorite lines from any book is by Margaret Atwood. “I want all my hurts to be intentional.”

It’s a personal mantra. It’s two sided to me. It means I don’t want to unintentionally cause harm or sadness. Being a human person means you do in fact do that sometimes. Through your actions or decisions you might hurt another person, even someone you care about. The best you can do in that situation is apologize. You can’t always fix it, some times you can’t go back – or going back isn’t where fate is taking you. But you can be honest, and try to move forward with good intentions even if you can’t remove that thing that hurts.

Intentional hurts though are something reserved for people I am truly at odds with. It’s hard to sit here and think of an actual instance, but I’d venture that when under attack I’m not against returning fire – and returning fire in a harsh fashion. I think that’s fair too. It’d be more adult to walk away, refuse to engage. Sometimes I can be that person. But sometimes, just sometimes if I respond I know it will be with malice and spite.  Continue reading

Collabor88 Drops In For Dinner

I had just picked up this adorable manicure from Marketplace made by Alicia Chenaux when I realized OMG COLLABOR88! MUST SHOP!

After wading through the crowds of people I think I am pretty happy, after all, the 90s themed pieces released are fun and kicky, alluding to that time before greasy hair and flannel took ahold of us.

So many boxes came home with me, it was nearly tragic. Continue reading