Tag Archives: EZ’s

Guest Stylist: Maeve Byron

Guest Stylist Maeve Byron

It’s been a while since we have featured a guest stylist here at It’s Only Fashion, but after I ran into Maeve Byron at the Mahrathon this weekend, I had to ask her to volunteer. She said she liked the blog, so of course, I wanted to feature her. Besides, she was a generous supporter of the Mahrathon – which raised 322,000 lindens for Heifer International. Yay!

According to Maeve, “I guess my style puts comfort as the main priority. Although fashion blogs like A Passion For Virtual Fashion, Juicybomb and of course It’s Only Fashion have inspired me, I don’t really jump on cutting edge style; I prefer a more classic look…maybe it’s an age thing. I like to look smart, tasteful, cute and approachable.”

I think she succeeds. Don’t you?

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