Category Archives: Designer Download

Designer Download — Betty Doyle

All of us at It’s Only Fashion are long-time fans of Betty Doyle with 166 posts (so far)  that feature items from Ingenue. It is a long love affair, but there is no seven-year-itch because Doyle makes customer satisfaction and convenience uppermost. For example, with the plethora of mesh attachments, some creators are throwing up their hands and presenting one option. Meanwhile, Doyle packages shoes for multiple mesh options as well as the old default foot. She is acutely aware that not all of her customers are following the newest, the latest, the trendiest and she makes sure they are happy, too.

Ingenue's Tricky Little Wicky

The first time Ingenue was featured at It’s Only Fashion was in April 2008 – the Tricky Little Wicky dress.

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Betty Doyle: I think I spent something like my first four or five days on Orientation Island. For some reason, I thought I had to learn to do everything before I went over to the mainland. I finally decided that figuring out scripting just wasn’t going to happen, so made the jump! I was excited by the idea of being able to make things from the moment I read about Second Life. I’m not sure I would have stayed if you couldn’t do that.

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Designer Download — June Monteiro


June Monteiro, of JUMO, is a multi-talented and multi-faceted designer, creating skins, clothing, shoes, and jewelry. Her designs are modern, bold looks that demand your attention. Her jewelry is distinctive and unique — occupying its own niche with its modern forms and generous use of gems. There is an extravagant simplicity to her designs, that self-contradiction making them ever more fascinating. From the rich colors and exuberance of her designs, you would expect a loud and brash personality. In this interview, however, Monteiro reveals herself to be more quiet and introspective – as though she channels her energy into her designs.


Juno’s Faraji necklace and earrings. Photo by Cajsa Lilliehook

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life® like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

June Monteiro: My first day was hard, I did not know anybody and also did not know where to go. But I started researching blogs and sites about SL® and I started to see many of the wonderful designers we have here. It awakened in me a desire to be on their side, to also be able to make beautiful fashion as they did. After that I never stopped:  to learn, to seek, to conquer. Continue reading

Designer Download — SySy Chapman


Take it from us, SySy Chapman (pronounced Sai-Sai) is one of the sweetest people on the grid and great fun to hang around with. She is one of those people whose answer to almost every question is yes – and not just yes, but an enthusiastic yes. She is a whole-hearted, jump right in with both feet sort of person. For example, when mesh came along, she deleted all her system clothing and started fresh with mesh. But do not let me tell you, you can see it for yourself when you read her interview.


SySy’s Billboard @ Hair Fair

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life® like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

SySy: A real life friend of mine told me about Second Life, she said “you have to try this chat game out, it is like an extended MSN messenger”. Little did we know at the time…. Because the fact she was already a week or two old in SL®, she found most of the basic things like teleporting, saving landmarks, change outfits, how to buy things etc., so i skipped the whole orientation island thing. I landed in some shady club she had found and was immediately intrigued by avatars we saw visiting the club. How come some had moving hair and why was i wearing an orange-non-movable-helmet type of thing on my head? Where did they got those pretty clothes? Which basically immediately set the tone for me, to begin creating.

IOF: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest?

SySy: Oh boy. Where do I even begin? lol…. The most exciting things are definately some awesome projects I was involved in. For example the First Fusion show, back in the day organized by the Ewing Fashion Agency in SL, it was the first cross-over fashion show in real life and SL at the Amsterdam Fashion week. A year later, we did it again as Second Fusion, where a real life fashion show was held at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, and simultaneously we did the SL fashion show, at both places visible on big screens. We even created the exact designs the real life designer had created. A big challenge, but an absolute honor and privilege to have been a part of! Continue reading

Designer Download — Bubbles Clawtooth


Bubbles Clawtooth is an iconoclast – challenging us to think in new ways and to see the world through new eyes, not through his eyes, but through our own at a different angle of refraction. Clawtooth by Clawtooth is a beloved Second Life® brand, not only because of the originality and quality of his hair, but because of the ineffable wit and whimsy of everything from the designs to the color names. That fanciful joie de vivre is apparent in every response in this interview.

Bubbles Portrait by Nylon Pinkney

Bubbles Clawtooth by Nylon Pinkney

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Bubbles Clawtooth: Oh what a glorious day the first day of SL was! Bubbles wandered about aimlessly in a  misshapen female avatar, lost in a landscape of random sims “For Sale”, sex clubs, neko (remember them?!) and furr oriented sims. Second Life was a treasure trove of bizarre and wonderful things and Bubbles knew immediately he’d fit right in.

Any “oldbie” in Second Life knows that it wasn’t exactly the most user friendly years back. In fact, in cold reality Bubbles almost didn’t come back to Second Life *because* it was quite challenging to figure out. The thing that made the biggest difference was meeting wonderful people who were willing to share information and help get over that hump! Continue reading

Designer Download — Lavea Alter


Lavea Alter has a longer history in Second Life® than many may first realize. She opened a store years ago called A-Bomb which featured a lot of retro clothing before taking a sabbatical from SL. When she returned, she opened a new store, starting from scratch with Fission where her retro rockabilly style continues to shine.

Fission-Faye cocktail dress AD

Faye Dress, photo by Lavea Alter

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?  

Lava Alter:  A friend who played begged me for weeks until I finally agreed to play.  My learning curve was pretty easy since I had someone to show me the ropes.  The first thing she did was take me to buy some hair, and I was thrilled to get a purple bob!

IOF: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest?  

LA: I don’t feel like I’ve done anything really crazy, but my brand of silly normally involves me putting on questionable items found in the dark corners of marketplace for the amusement of others.  As for the most exciting, it was probably opening up that first mainstore of A-Bomb several years ago.  I zoomed my view out and stared at it for at least an hour with a huge smile on my face. Continue reading

Designer Download — Sasy Scarborough


Sasy Scarborough is familiar to nearly everyone involved in fashion in Second Life®. She worked for years as a customer service representative for many of the biggest brands in SL. She is also one of the “old guard” bloggers with her Sasypants blog. Her experience has made her a role model for many other bloggers. As lead organizer for Hair Fair, she is the heart, soul, lungs and lifeblood of that event. She also runs a shopping sim called The Deck and a bi-monthy shopping event called My Attic. In addition, she has her own business selling her Slink applicator items, primarily nails as well as a pose/pose set business with Whimsy Winx. And with all that, she still has time to have fun and socialize and make the most of her Second Life.


Say Scarborough with a W. Winx and Flair pose set they made.

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Sasy Scarborough: My first day in Second Life was amazing, I was taken in hand by a friend who introduced me to it, and he had four girls waiting at the gate with him. They took me to all the free places like Free Dove, and Pazazz Hair and thirty minutes later I was denoobed.

They then took me to Transylvania, the sim that was just incredible back then, and we danced, which was the main reason I wanted to join Second Life, because I had seen him salsa on shared screen. There was a huge market event on at Transylvania that weekend, and I complimented a vendor on her items, and she whisked me away and got me to model for her for a goth school girl outfit…she then gave me the outfit and years later I was still on her wall in her store.

I found Second Life just full of possibilities so learning everything was worth it. Continue reading

Designer Download — Thalia Heckroth


Thalia Heckroth is probably more familiar to fashionistas for her blogging and extraordinary photography and videos. She is one of the photographers who has experimented and pushed the boundaries of Second Life® photography and video by exploiting the lighting and other settings to their fullest. She recently turned her talents to clothing design, launching a new and successful brand that specializes in minimalist modern classics.


The Calima Dress by Thalia Heckroth

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Thalia Heckroth: The first day I landed in Orientation Island and felt immediately at ease. I didn’t experience a learning curve for anything other than wearing shoes. I deleted the shoe bases for a while until a good friend of mine told me shoes were useless without it. LOL.

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Designer Download – Zaara Kohime


{Zaara} Chandni Lehenga


This week, It’s Only Fashion interviews Zaara Kohime who is well-loved in the Second Life® fashion world for her vibrant colors, beautifully detailed textures and her eclectic designs. Kohime creates Western and Indian fashions nd jewelry as well as housewares and furnishings that are irresistible to loves of design.

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Zaara Kohime: I guess it was pretty much like what most people go through, figuring out how it works. The most logical thing for me to do for search for ‘India’ in places to get to a place of familiarity. I ran into some very friendly people who helped ‘de-noob’ me. Those days camping was still a thing, I believe I got 10L$ for an hour, haha! What made me stick was the fact that because there is no goal to Second Life, so it becomes a process of discovery and eventually you find your reasons to be here.

IOF: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest?

ZK: To be honest, I am the sort of person who sticks around the skybox making stuff. I am very disciplined and devote most of my time towards creation when I am ingame. However when I do have some spare time I really enjoy torturing my best friend Strawberry Singh. I used to think up of a lot of morbid schemes to harass her, but recently lack of time prevents me from bothering her as much as I used to. I met my RL partner, Sawyer, in Second Life and flying out to meet him was possibly the most ballsey thing I have done that’s Second Life related.
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Designer Download: Siddean Munro


Designer Download is a new continuing feature at It’s Only Fashion that will focus on interviews of Second Life’s® greatest asset, the content creators who have made our world and everything in it. For our first interview in this series, we turned to Siddean Munro of Slink whose decision to  license Developer’s Kits for free to other content creators has revitalized the SL® economy and created an entire new industry in SL complete with its own event. From the interview, we learned that Munro has been thinking like a creator since her first day in Second Life.

Bikini Main

It’s Only Fashion: What was your first day in Second Life like? What made you stick it out through the learning curve?

Siddean Munro: My first day I spent wandering around the world looking for the exact right hairstyle for Siddean, this was right at the beginning of the flexi craze and I must have wandered for hours and hours before I landed at Girl6 and some very kind person gave me 250L for my very first hairstyle. It was a great style, but not exactly what I wanted, so I thought maybe I should make it myself….I remember being very ill with motion sickness those first few days until I got my SL sea legs.  The learning curve back in 2007 was nothing compared to what it is now. It’s grown on me gradually, but I don’t at all envy new creators coming in these days.
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