Category Archives: Cajsa’s Fast Five

Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 26th

Fast Five Today’s list of must-reads has fabulous photos and a clever game. Be sure to check them out.



  1. 034-Angels in the Ceiling by Opal Lei. Where’s Dim Sum? is a fun, witty and unique SL blog. Each day, Opal Lei takes a photo of Dim Sum on location. Dim Sum is her white cat avatar and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find Dim Sum. An in-world daily Where’s Waldo? with a cat, today’s picture was pleasantly challenging.  Continue reading

Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 25th

Fast Five



  1. The Tea Garden from Editorial Clarity-Flux. Gorgeous photos, beautifully design, and tea, what’s not to love?
  2. Burglaries, Brollies, Beauties, Books and Beasts – Inara Pey lists some upcoming book events (live readings) that folks might enjoy. I wish I had read this yesterday, I might have loved the Sherlock Holmes reading, though I could not have attended anyway because SL would not let me wear any clothes!
  3. Folly – from Dantelicia Ethaniel who always excites me with her wild eye when she takes her fashion photos.
  4. Tell Me a Story – from Elysium Hynes, not just because I like the picture, but because I want folks to know how she is using Pinterest to catalog Second Life events and sales.
  5. Love Missile F1-11 from Whimsy Winx who smartly addresses the problem of what to do when you have tight sleeves with your mesh hands.  I have just removed the wrists before and that didn’t work, but she has an elegant solution. You can see how well it works in her pictures.

Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 23rd

Fast FiveHere’s the five posts I think you should not miss today:

  1. Just What is the Beef with Advertising? – Ciaran Laval discusses Linden Labs new adoption of advertising on their web site. 
  2. Re-Opening Delicatessen – Meta Body II: Quan Lavender highlights the new iteration of the very successful Meta Body event by Capcat Ragu and Meilo Minotaur.
  3. Big City: Sasy Scarborough has a found a must-have jacket.
  4. A Night at the Cemetery: Wise Sandalwood is ghoulishly beautiful.
  5. Single Frame Stories: A Retrospective: Deoridhe Quandary asks what she can learn by  putting her images taken over time all together in a collection. She is reflecting on this quote: “[E]ven our most frivolous, clichéd or reflexive work reflects a deep and pervasive web of subconscious stories and associations.”