I realized when I got up that I didn’t have any soda at the house, and if I wanted it cold I needed to pop it in the fridge now so that at the end of the day an icy cold beverage would await. I ran out to a nearby bodega – which touts itself as adult RP. I managed to escape having to roleplay just to get my sodas though, lucky me.

But serious what is behind me. Are those giant legs?
It’s too early for this nonsense I tell you what.
I’m scared to go find out. God bless the ability to TP away…
Gidge is Pop Shopping In:
Skin: -Belleza- Fleur FLF Red Lip – Medium
Rings: Amala – The Lumi Rings – Maitreya
Jeans: Blueberry – Rie – Torn Jeans – BlueberryBooty – Maitreya
Hair: Exile:: Daphne (B)
Earrings: Hangry // Carby Earrings – Grilled Cheese
Bag: Junk Food – Cola Paper Bag
Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Lilly.2.5
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Sweater: [Maitreya]The Secret Store – Luna Preppy Cardigan – Blue Argyle