I went out Friday in search of some dinner and to take a look-see around the world. I love stumbling in to new places, finding things and meeting folks. Murder City ended up being a perfect place for an evening like that.
While there is a bit of the odd murder here or there, it’s a great spot for taking photos and exploring, lots of little things to find and do while you are there.
I grabbed a bowl of ramen for dinner and I do confess, I was surprised that it wasn’t poisoned or the cook didn’t stab me. I guess even murder city needs a spot for dinner in between the murders

After a bite I explored for quite a while. There’s a lot to see and find here – and I got to meet the owner who says she’s still building more so I am going to have to come back some time and check out what’s new.
I seriously love this cat you guys.

When it started to rain and murder definitely seemed more likely I decided it was time to head about to Bellisseria for some quiet. Before I headed out though, I decided to avail myself of this “touchless” pizza delivery option. After all, by the time I get home I’m going to be hungry, right?

I really hope this taxi is headed to Bellisseria…what’s that down this tunnel….

Gidge is Homicidal In:
Tights: SHOP ToshyTightsBlackPolkaDotWhite
Lips: [Pink Fuel ] Classic Lipstick – Pin Up Red
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink
Shoes: -XTC- Evo Hi-Tops [Slink] Stay at Home Club Gift
Dress: ::BG:: Lolipop Dress – Slink Hourglass Stay at Home Club Gift
Clutch: Baiastice_Cuore Mini clutch-black (with pose front right)
Head: GENUS Project – Genus Head – Strong Face GIFT001 – v1.7 – Mocap
Hair: Navy&Copper – Green Tea
Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body Bundle (Redux) V4.1.1
Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BOM – EVERLASTING cotton candy
Shot on location at Murder City: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glamorous%20Land/142/120/94