Having a social calendar is suddenly making my SL a busier place, and I’m loving it. Except for one thing. I’m TIRED. Cajsa and I were out this weekend and reminiscing on the so many parties we used to throw and attend, and how much time we used to spend together and she remarked “Yes, you never slept.” I guess that’s true. I was younger, or stupider (more stupid for the literati).
But you see LAST NIGHT I really wanted to go to a party at Amatorum this fun group I joined and I thought it would be a good excuse to trot out some pretty lingerie I have and then well, let’s say the clock didn’t stop. Damn clock.

Some of the decor pieces are: Cheeky Pea: Lotus Spa Rugs Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter Nude Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter White Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter Pink Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter Colorful Cheeky Pea: Bureau de Brioude Stool (PG) Cheeky Pea: Bureau de Brioude -tres blah- Jolie – Perfume Collection RARE -tres blah- Eclectic Collection – Perfume -tres blah- Eclectic Collection – Pamper -tres blah- Eclectic Collection -Bath Bombs RARE :Cheeky Pea: Lotus Spa Bath Caddy :Cheek Pea: Lotus Spa Occasional Table :Cheeky Pea: Lotus Spa Bath 04.erratic / lsm – side table – ash dust bunny . acorn treehouse . RARE Second Spaces – Makeup Junkie – magnet board RARE -tres blah- Eclectic Collection – Press For Champagne 08.erratic / lsm – table lamp – pink Second Spaces – Makeup Junkie – clean up -tres blah- Jolie – Eye Makeup -tres blah- Jolie – Makeup Bag RARE Second Spaces – Makeup Junkie – foundation Second Spaces – Makeup Junkie – magnet board RARE
I kept getting ready thinking I’ll make it, I can go for an hour? Right? THIS WILL BE FUN I CAN MAKE IT.
I’ll just rest here for a minute. Just for a few minutes until it’s time to go…

New makeup for Lelutka Heads at ALASKA METRO
And that dear readers is where you find me this morning. I answered a message to my friend Carson in a bleary daze as I pulled up the covers, letting him know I wasn’t gonna be able to log in – headed to sleep.
Now it’s Tuesday.
Time for the next day. On to ADVENTURE right?
Let’s make it a great day girls!
Gidge is Wearing:
Ring: (Yummy) Birthstone Ring – October – Opal (Blogger Copy)
(Yummy) True Fate Ring – Gold – Opal
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Skin: Glam Affair
Makeup: Lips and Eyeshadow – Alaska Metro
Lingerie: erratic / delice lingerie – bra / white (maitreya)
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.4
Eyes: Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye (London Fog, w4) L
Mayfly – Luminous – Mesh Eye Hair: TRUTH HAIR Kasimire Hair