My first hair from Alli & Ali was in 2009, when the Darla hair took the fashionista world by storm. I think everyone I know bought that hair.
Since then, the brand has maintained its reputation for wild, exuberant hair that suits the bold, the outrageous and the wildest among us.
It’s Only Fashion: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest? Is there a story you can share that captures your Second Life experience?
Alice Klinger: Probably being in SL as much as I am is the real crazy thing. I used to be there 20 hours every day when I started getting creative here, with only small coffee breaks, but recently learned to enjoy the real sun and my real garden again so, I have cut down on those all-nighters a bit.
IOF: What drew you to designing hair? When did you start? What are some of the changes that were most significant for you?
AK: I started with hair in 2007, after building and scripting for a while before. I have always enjoyed helping others to enhance their Second Life experience, and take suggestions for new store products. That is how I got started with hair, and I enjoyed it so much that I stuck with it, and produced well over 600 hairstyles since then. Probably the most significant changes are the addition of Sculpties and Mesh, but as I have a large fan group which enjoys prim hair, I am still offering pure prim hair and will keep doing that. It is the only option to fully adjust hair to fit furry, tiny, petites and even giant avatars.
IOF: How did you choose your store name? Does it have a special meaning for you? If your stores is named after yourself, how did you go about choosing your avatar name?
AK: Our store is named after myself and my partner Allison. I have picked the name Alice for myself because I am a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland. I can imagine me discovering SL was a bit like Alice falling into that rabbit hole. Except, I was thrilled and enjoyed every part of the way, instead of being annoyed by everything like Alice in the movie. LOL
IOF: What is the most challenging part of being a creator in Second Life? What is most rewarding?
AK: The technological progress sure keeps one busy. That’s the challenging part. The most rewarding for me is when people leave nice reviews or even IM me to say something nice about our store or products.
IOF: Where do you get inspiration for your designs? What is your process like?
AK: I have a big suggestion box set up in my store, where everyone is welcome to drop their wish list into. I sure do have lots of styles on my own list which I want to create out of my own interest, but most of the time I am producing the suggestions first if at all possible. Often I receive more suggestions than I can produce, and to keep the selection process fair we have a voting wall in the store where everyone is welcome to vote which item should be produced next.
IOF: What sets your hair styles apart from other hair designers, in your opinion? What is your style or aesthetic?
AK: There are several factors that I think are special to Alli&Ali Designs. The one I am most proud of is the large variety in styles. There are now over 600 styles for men and women, and you can find something suitable for any occasion and genre. And if you shouldn’t be able to find what you are looking for, I am happy to produce it for you
Most items are made of prims so that they can be adjusted to any head shapes and sizes, lots of the styles are flexi, with a resize menu and full bright toggle. Some even offer streak or accessories coloring menus.
Each week I produce new hairstyles and some free colors. So Alli&Ali Designs is worth a visit in every week
IOF: How has your second life changed your first life? (no need to reveal personal info at all, just something general)
AK: It sure does help to pay my bills and to support my family, and gave me new confidence in my abilities to be creative, run a business and earn money with what I enjoy doing.
IOF: Is there anything else you would like to share with readers?
AK: Oh yes, visit the Hair Fair quick, it ends 26th July already.
Besides that,
- try something new,
- share your gifts and talents with the world,
- make love – not war.
IOF: What does Hair Fair mean to you?
AK: I believe a hairstyle is even a more significant part of self-expression than clothes. So, I am all for helping kids to obtain new hair if they for what ever reason don’t have any or not enough natural.
It is also inspiring to see all the creativity at the Fair each year. I feel honored to take part in this event.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: Di’s Opera
Skin: Glam Affair Asia
Mesh Attachments: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-KARIN v1.1
Maitreya Mesh Body – Hands
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.4
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High
Appliers: Glam Affair Karin Asia Applier
Lelutka Karin HUD
Eyes: Aphotic Gloom – Aquilius Eyes (Hazel)
Hair: Alli & Ali Designs Hair for Hair Fair
Clothing: ghee Unbroken Line Casual Turtleneck Mini Dress
Shoes: Essenz – Vienna (Red)
Jewelry: (Kunglers) Ciri earrings
Location: Dreamers by Cica Ghost