Tabata Jewell is the force behind the iconic hairstyles at Vanity Hair. Her hair creations are instantly recognizable as she takes a highly individual approach, creating stylized and abstract hair styles that are perfect for high fashion looks.
I love realistic hair styles for everyday wear but one of the reasons that Vanity Hair is on my personal list of favorite hair stores is that she goes in the opposite direction, emphasizing form and innovation over realism. For formal wear, haute style looks and high fashion, that abstraction can be perfect.
It’s Only Fashion: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest? Is there a story you can share that captures your Second Life experience?
Tabata Jewell: Hello Cajsa!! If I am completely honest with you, it hasn’t been lots of craziness in my SLin the past years. But my beginnings sure were .
When I started in SL, first thing I did was going to a dance club, I think everybody has done so, it is the fastest way to socialize. I can’t recall the name of the club something like breeze, anyway it was a jazzy music dance club. Everyone was wearing gowns and tuxedos, and there I was with my default avi. When I understood than in order to look half decent I need lindens I went to all the clubs looking for a job. And I finally got hired at one. As a stripper . The name of the club was Moonlight , I earned my first lindens there. Had lots of fun, but back then there was no voice so we had to emote everything. I remember sweating at my computer cause I could not emote and take clothes at the same time. Then the club closed. I was really sad. But I decided I wanted to be a geisha and I enter in the Blue Lotus okiya, was there for 2 years and became a senior maiko. In the mean time I started modeling workshops at Modavia and combines both worlds. I finally decided to go for fashion by the hand of Modavia.
IOF: What drew you to designing hair? When did you start? What are some of the changes that were most significant for you?
TJ: Being in Modavia, I started doing fashion shows. Everything was about being unique so I always looked for the most original look when styling for the runway. Always looking for unique hairs, but it got to a point where the idea and styling I had in mind didn’t match what I found in world. So I decided to create my own hair with a whole of prims put together with some free textures. But it worked! And people would ask me where I got it. So why not sell it? My friend Kay Fairey introduce me to Sascha Frangeli, she gave me the chance to set a store in her sim. That was back in 2009.

Vanity Hair La Espagnole
You asked me for the most significant changes… Well I think mesh has been with no doubt the most significant one. It completely changed my way of working and building hair. I had to learn everything again from the start.
IOF: How did you choose your store name? Does it have a special meaning for you?
TJ: When I was buying hair for my stylings I used to make up names to see if by any chance I would discover a new hair store. One I made up was Vanity hair, I enter that name on search, there was no vanity hair. That day I thought that if I ever had a hair store I would name it like that. So when I finally had my hair store coming up with the name was easy, I didn’t even think about it.

anity Hair Never Wanted
IOF: What is the most challenging part of being a creator in Second Life? What is most rewarding?
TJ: As I commented previously, the most significant change was mesh. That was a challenge right there. If I wanted to keep my hair store I needed to learn mesh. So I did. Amazing all you can learn nowadays online!!! Any doubt, any how-to I go to youtube. Thank you, YouTube!!
The most rewarding things in SL are with no doubt my customers and friends. They give value to what you’ve done, they keep you working when they send you Thank You notes and pictures… Definitely, without them there would not be Vanity Hair. And I want to take the opportunity you have gave me here to express my gratitude and love to them
IOF: Where do you get inspiration for your designs? What is your process like?
TJ: Well…music is my main source of inspiration. In fact almost all my hairs are named after a song, a singer, song lyrics…Movies are also a great source of inspiration!! And then although not that often, magazines.
IOF: What sets your hair styles apart from other hair designers, in your opinion? What is your style or aesthetic?
TJ: Woah! That’s a tough one… I really have no idea. In fact I think this would be a great question for my customers to answer. Regarding my style… Well I know I am retro girl, I love retro!!! So many of my styles reflect that retro mood! But I try to cover as many areas and tastes as I can. You can’t make everyone happy, but the least I can do is try.
IOF: How has your Second Kife changed your first life?
TJ: Well that’s a fight I have. I try to keep my RL and SL balanced and healthy. To me RL comes first. My family, friends and my passion: traveling. So my SL life is built around it. Not easy sometimes. Like when you have Hair Fair to prepare . But you knowit is for a limit period of time. Then everything goes back to normal.
IOF: Is there anything else you would like to share with readers?
TJ: Thank you, Cajsa, for giving me the opportunity to share a bit of my SL with all of you. I had lots of fun remembering my beginnings and giving the the chance to everyone to know me a little more .
IOF: What does Hair Fair mean to you?
TJ: Hair fair is everything! Hair fair is THE EVENT. I put lots of time into this project cause is not just some other event, is an event with a great cause. Being part of it, is a huge honor. The amount of work that everyone puts on it is amazing. The organizers hardly sleep when the opening is approaching. I think none of us do sleep until it finally starts. Knowing that all those efforts will make thousands of little souls happy , that right there, is the best part. Every year they share with us the thank you notes from Wigs for Kids. Then is when you realize how much it was worth was all the work you did and will be happy to repeat it next year, with no doubt.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
- Poses: aDorkable
- HUDS: AnyPose Expression HUD v1.0 – Wear Me
Slink Ankle Lock
Skin: Adam & Eve Gina Tone A - Mesh Attachments: Lelutka Mesh Head Karin
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High Left V2.1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High Right V2.1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – L – Elegant1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – R – Elegant1
Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Slink Physique Utilities (alpha and layers) HUD V2.0 - Appliers: AE Eyeshadow G Smoke 5 (Lelutka)
AE Lipstick G Set 4 Lelutka
Flair – Fingernails Applier Slink A/E – set 222
AE Skin Appliers for Physique TA
AE Gina TA Red Appliers for Lelutka Mesh Heads
Lelutka KArin Hairbase Applier
[[ Masoom ]] Slink Physique hud seduction - Eyes: Aphotic Gloom – Aquilius Eyes (Hazel)Small
- Hair: Vanity Hair For Hair Fair 2015
- Clothing: *BOOM* After – Crop Jacket (dandelion) m
Masoom Seduction top/bodysuit
Baiastice_Ann Pencil Skirt-autumn drive - Shoes: Glamistry : GALLA Heels
- Jewelry: -Glam Affair- Janna Statement Necklace Gold/Orange
No sleep for us for sure, and it is definitely so so worth it ♥