I spent far too much getting this dress at The Arcade, but I console myself with knowing that the color-change HUD makes it several dresses in one. Besides, it has the prettiest color-change HUD in SL history.
Friday was the vernal equinox and it came with extras this year— a solar eclipse and a supermoon. Spring, however, came to Oregon long before the equinox. Already the daphnes and magnolias are in bloom. The air is rich with fragrance and spring’s showers paint everything a lush green. There is such an abundance of life in Oregon, all fed by the wonderful rain that if you live in Oregon, you must come to love.
The crazy thing about gardening in SL, I can have wisteria and magnolias at the same time as hibiscus and lavender, isn’t that amazing?
With all the femininity of the erratic dress, I had to pick the ultra-feminine shoes from fi.day called Cora. Not only so they have a strap that is reminiscent of the flapper era that inspired this dress, they have a ribbon that dies at the back of the heel for s touch of ultra-femininity.
The cloche, gloves and pearls are also part of the amazing erratic collection at The Arcade. I am willing to bet that by the time you get the dress, you will have these items, too.
The skin is from Glam Affair for Collabor88. Glam Affair’s skins always have the delicate freshness that suits this kind of super-feminine style. The hair- that’s a bit of a story. I remembered this wonderful hat and hair from Vanity Hair and decided to try wearing it with the cloche and then selecting the Vanity Hair had and turning it transparent. It worked – giving me the perfect hair for this hat. I had to move two prims to eliminate all intersections.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: oOo Studio
Skin: Glam Affair – Alice Skin – Lovely Day [ America ] 04 E @ Collabor88
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes dark Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Mesh Attachments:
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High
Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Hair: Vanity Hair:Sabine-Feux
Clothing: erratic / aea – mary – vintage day dress @ The Arcade
erratic / aea – cora – gloves @ The Arcade
06.erratic / aea – sybil – cloche hat @ The Arcade
Shoes: fri. – Cora.Heels (Peach) – Slink
Jewelry: erratic / aea – edith – pearl necklace @ The Arcade
Ariskea Lavender basket @ The Arcade
Studio Skye Enchanted Woods, Silver Birch from Studio Skye,
Botanical – T2C Aspen Tree,
3d Trees Magnolia, Wisteria, weeping willow
+Half-Deer+ Climbing Rose Vine (Pale) – R -v2,
Mesh Plants Hibiscus Pink & Yellow Plant Large in Pot
Modern Fabrications – Potted Plant a, Flower Plant b
Consignment – [Con.] Planter’s Habitat – Ornate Bench & Table, – Planter Patch, Wheelbarrow, Rock Planter, Bike Planter
dust bunny . lily cottage @ The Arcade
dust bunny . lily greenhouse @ The Arcade
dust bunny . makeshift mailbox . pink, Garden Pump, @ The Arcade
Ariskea Ceramic Pots, Separator with ivy @ The Arcade