Neon Bang Bang Sign by Apt. B. Coffee Mug & Coffee Pot from Schadenfreude, Takeout from Sari-Sari’s Cafe Happy. Coffee and donut from tres blah.

The coffee table has a bunch of Mudhoney clutter on it. The sofa draped with a blanket is from 8f8 for Arcade. The chevron easy chair on the right is from Trompe Loeil for Collabor88. The other furnishings are older items from Meshworx, Bazar and Mudhoney.

The kitchen is from Trompe Loeil. It’s originally white and red, but I tinted the white cabinets grey to make it look a bit more modern. The table and chairs are from floorplan from Collabor88 several months back, so can be found in the store.
At Collabor88
- +Half-Deer+ owls
- Trompe Loeil – Palmer Lodge, Trompe Loeil – Audrey’s Chair Chevron PG
- Second Spaces – Cooper Desk – grey, Second Spaces – Cooper Chair – black/white w/black frame, Second Spaces – Cooper Desk – tape recorder for Diane
- floorplan. forest print, floorplan. chevron sideboard, floorplan. leaning lamp
- Apt B // Chevron Clock, Apt B // Owl Wood Frame, Apt B // Bang Bang Neon Sign
- Schadenfreude There’s a Fish in the Percolator (closed)
- Schadenfreude Red Room Mug, empty (display)
- flowey x Teawood: Saturn Lamp / Baby Blue [R]
At The Arcade
- MudHoney Leather Bag – Black, Pocket Clutter, Earphones, Bill Pile, Smart Phone, Cat keyring
- Miamai_Sprites_Display FREE
- AITUI – Messy Bedroom – Striped Area Rug
- David Heather-Weapons Bag RARE, Money Briefcase RARE, Case, Rotary Phone/Black, Date Book
- [Commoner] The Murphy Collection / Cluster of Candles,Row of Books
- -tres blah- Hodgepodge – Stacked Magazines, Paper Pile, Cup of Joe, Dirty Dishes, Refreshments and Breakfast Clutter
- Le Primitif: :::LP::: Fashion Magazine – [Women’s] Open, :::LP::: FOS Lenses Display
- Sari-Sari – Cafe Happy – Take-Out Bag
- xin. desk fan + red
- 8f8 – primavera in Toscana Sofa
Older Items
- [HANDverk]Stickley Settle.stripe.adult
- MudHoney Eva Coffee Table, Rug
- MudHoney Agate Coaster 4
- Sari-Sari – Twig Table
- :::LP::: Fried_Rice Takeout Box, :::LP::: Bottle Soda – Lemon Lime
- MudHoney Wooden Boxes w/ Metal Diamond
- MudHoney Books w/ Apple
- 3D Trees
- Bazar Toronto-Study armchair
- MudHoney Zelia Plant, MudHoney Horn Sculptur
- floorplan. diner chair / red, floorplan. small diner table
- Trompe Loeil – Retro Kitchen Cherry Red {A}
- ISPACHI – The Arrival – Frolicking Foxes
- ISPACHI – The Arrival – The Bear and The Fox RARE
- ISPACHI – The Arrival – March of the Mallards
- ISPACHI – The Arrival – The Wisest Owl
- ISPACHI – The Arrival – Between Two Squirrels
- :
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