So Gidge and I were going to go fishing for walleye, the Minnesota state fish. I don’t know if you can see it clearly, but that is a Minnesota boat, you can tell by the license. Walleye are the most delicious fish that have ever been eaten by anyone ever in the history of all mankind. That’s a fact. So, I am eager to get cracking and toss that line in the water. But where is Gidge?
At least I look fashionable while I wait. I know I have worn another iteration of this outfit before but I am repeating myself because I love it so much. This time I am wearing the floral pants and a plain top instead of plain denims. I wore this DJing and one of the folks called me Crazy Pants! I like this kind of crazy. hmmm, the sun is rising and Gidge is still nowhere in sight. Well, at least walleye strike anytime day or night. Yes, you can even fish for them in the dark! It’s kind of fun in an eerie way since it seems as though everything echoes on the lake at night. I love the lake at night, the water feels so warm against the cool night air and with the water, trees and sky all an inky midnight blue, there is a feeling of infinite space – unless there is moonlight. When it’s moonlight I love to swim toward the moonlight in that strip of liquid silver reflection on the water. No matter how fast you swim, you can never catch it.
The sun is up and I am still waiting. I should have brought a book. Well, so long as we are off the lake by noon – I can’t stand fishing in the afternoon, you get eaten alive by horseflies. Now if Gidge only brings some coffee and maybe some snacks. We definitely need snacks.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: Convair
Skin: Clef de Peau::Julia::T1 Base Ginger
Tattoos: Clef de Peau::Julia::Cocktail Make up 2
Clef de Peau::Julia::Lipstick Peta
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes Duo Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Mani/Pedi: SLink Mesh Hands & Feet with FLAIR mani applier
Hair: *ARGRACE* Riley – Cinnamon (lower part)
*ARGRACE* Riley – Cinnamon (upper part)
Clothing: Tee*fy Laura Unbuttoned Knotted Shirt M Pinkn @ Collabor88
Tee*fy Leah High-Waisted Skinny Jeans M Floral @ Collabor88
Shoes: Ingenue :: Sophia Heels (Slink Add-On) :: Cotton Candy @ Collabor88
Jewelry: (Miriel Everyday) Bubble Earring – Silver (Store is closed, ot available)
Location: Convair Boat Dock, Boat Rope & Stanchion, Gone Fishing Sign, Outboard Motor Gas Tank, Outboard Motor – Teal, Row Boat and Tackle Box all at The Arcade
Hang in there, I think I saw her waiting in line at Starbucks! She should be there real soon. Um, I hope you packed your mosquito netting. . Just in case, yanno
Mosquito netting? I come from the school of Avon Skin-So-Soft!