If you see me out and about much you’ll know that I rarely wear a lot of clothing. Not that I’m all “look at me I’m a skank whore” but I just don’t like lots of clothing (Just ask Cajsa, apparently her delivery dude joined sl because he saw Hyb’s ass). I like bikini’s and corsets and showing a little skin..or a lot..depends on the day. I figure skin creators spend lots of time on the body as well as the face..let’s show it off.
The skin below is from essences and can be found at the One Voice Event, I love the belly on it so I decided to showcase it by wearing this cute crop top from (chemistry) which I found on the marketplace. The skin from essences called Moana has a nice soft stomach as opposed to what we find on a lot of skins which is a 6 pack. Women should be soft..that’s my thinking. Anywho, the crop top looks perfect over top of the gorgeous bikini from Boom that I got for only 88L at Collaber88.
Hybie is Wearing:
Skin: {.essences.} Moana Tan (GP) – hair base ONE VOICE EVENT
Hair: (Chemistry) Hair – Marin – B&Ws – Raven (mesh)
Top: (Chemistry) Echo Tank Top (crop) – Lace White (M)
Bikini: *BOOM* Ellio Bikini – salt
Eyes: IKON – Sunrise Eyes – Egyptian Blue
Shape: Savoir Faire Shapes – Tuesday Shape – ONE VOICE EVENT
Pose: dfo! [gala] 005 ONE VOICE EVENT